“Thank you, it was nice to meet you, as well.”
She retreats back to her office, and Susan hands me a clipboard with a few sheets of paper on them.
“Just bring these back to me once you’ve finished them and you’ll be all set. If you don’t have a paper check to void, the routing and account numbers, along with the bank name, will be just fine for the direct deposit part.”
“Thank you.” I take the clipboard and then find a seat in the waiting area. It only takes me a few minutes to complete the paperwork and hand it back to her. I can’t keep the huge smile from my face as I leave the office and head for my car.
I drive straight for Nick’s house, and am thankful his truck is in the driveway when I pull in. I’m still on cloud nine about my job and want to tell him in person. As soon as I park, I shut off my car and beeline it for his front door. I know we had a great time together yesterday, but I don’t feel like I can just walk into his house, so I knock loudly while ringing the doorbell at the same time.
I’m bouncing on the balls of my feet when he finally opens the door.
“Hi!” he says in greeting, pulling me into his arms. “How’d the interview go?”
“I got the job!” I squeal into his ear. “Sorry, that was a bit loud,” I apologize after he winces.
“That’s awesome, babe!” he says, squeezing me tighter. “Where is the job at?”
“Healing Touch Counseling, as their receptionist. I start tomorrow!”
“That’s great, I’m proud of you! We’ll have to celebrate for dinner tonight,” he says, setting me back down on my feet.
“Sure. I’ll just need to call it a night early, since I need to be well-rested for work tomorrow. I start at eight.”
“Do you want to stay here again tonight? We could stop by your mom’s place and pick up what you’ll need for tonight and tomorrow. I’ll promise to let you sleep tonight,” he says, a devilish look on his face.
“Sure, you will.” I laugh as I smack his chest.
“I promise I’ll be good. I just know you said that my bed was more comfortable than yours, and I sure didn’t mind having you in it last night,” he replies, leaning in and kissing my neck.
“You sure know how to convince me. Dirty tactics, sneaking in and kissing my neck,” I tell him as I squirm against him.
He grins. “Just trying to win you over, baby.”
“I guess you’ve convinced me,” I tell him a moment later, then notice he’s kinda dirty. “What were you doing before I showed up?”
“Grouting the shower. Did you want to come see what I’ve done so far?”
“Yes! Anything I can help with?”
“Nope, especially not in those clothes.” He points to what I’ve got on. “I’m almost done anyways, so there isn’t much that you could do. Just sit in here and keep me company,” he says as I step into the bathroom.
“Nick,” I say, “it’s beautiful! I can’t wait until the entire room is done. It’s going to be incredible.”
“Thanks. We’ll have to christen it once the grout has dried and can get wet,” he says, winking at me.
“I look forward to it,” I tell him, and the look in his eye tells me he wishes that moment was right fucking now.
I sit on a bucket in the corner, away from the grout, and watch as he finishes up the last bit, which takes him about twenty more minutes. “I think that does it,” he says, standing back up after setting his sponge down. He twists from side to side, stretching his back from being bent over and working.
“It looks really good. Is your back bothering you? Need me to massage it for you?”
“Just a little sore. I’m not used to being crouched down like this for so long. But I’ll never turn down having your hands on me,” he says before bending down to kiss me.
“Of course you wouldn’t,” I say against his lips.
“What do you want to do for dinner? I can grill us something or we can go out. Whatever you want. We’re celebrating you tonight.”
“I think you cooking for me sounds perfect. Time to impress me with your culinary skills.”