Page 15 of Drunk Girl

“You don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to,” I say quickly, wishing I could take the words back. I push my chair back before I stand and then offer her my hand. “How about we get out of here instead?”

“Do you work tonight?” she asks as we make it out to my truck.

“Nope, it’s my night off.”

“Oh, nice. Do you get every Sunday off?”

“Not always. We rotate who works. It’s not as busy as Thursday, Friday, or Saturday nights, but when the Predators or the Titans are playing, we tend to be packed.”

“That’s awesome that you guys stay so busy.”

“It definitely helps keep the doors open.” I chuckle. When we’re both situated, I ask, “Where to now?”

“I’m not picky. If you’ve got things you need to do, you can take me back home.”

“I do have things to do today, but I’m not ready to be away from you just yet,” I tell her honestly. “You’re easy to be around and talk to. I’ve enjoyed our time together.”

“Same,” she says, a smile on her face.

“I’ve got a few things to get done at my place, do you want to come over?”


I pull out of the parking lot and head for my house, the drive quiet, but comfortable.

“Wow!” Ashley says as we pull into the driveway about ten minutes later. “This place is all yours?”

She looks at my house and I glance out the windshield, taking in my place through her eyes. All I’ve seen for the last couple of years is the work this place has needed. The blood, sweat, and hundreds of hours I’ve poured into it to make it what it is today. I’m still not done, but I’ve made a lot of improvements since I purchased it.

“Yeah, I’ve put a lot of work into it over the years.”

“It’s incredible,” she says before opening her door and jumping out of the truck.

I follow her lead, then head up the porch steps and unlock the front door. “Come on in, I’ll give you a tour,” I tell her as she slips by me. I get a waft of her perfume as she walks by me, and it has instantly become my favorite smell. “Living room is to the right, kitchen straight ahead. Both are already done, as they were two of my first projects I tackled.”

“Wow! You did all of this?” she asks, turning in a circle as she takes in the space.

“Most of it. I had some help from my dad and brother, and both my granddads helped a time or two, as well.”

“This is amazing! You’ve got a great eye for the aesthetic of the place. A little more decorating and this place would be picture perfect.”

“Yeah, I’m not much for decorating. Figured I’d leave that for whenever I settle down, let my wife do the decorating,” I tell her, as the thought strikes me. I keep from telling hershecould be the one to decorate it for me. I’m jumping ahead of myself just a bit. Hell, we just met a few days ago.

“Down the hall are three bedrooms, a full bathroom off the hall that I still need to renovate, and the master has an attached bath, as well. I’m in the process of remodeling that now,” I tell her as I show her down the hall and each room.

“What are your plans for in here?” she asks as we enter the master bathroom that is currently gutted.

“A large tiled shower will go here,” I say, motioning to the wall where I’ve started to prep for tile to go in. I point to another section of wall. “A double vanity on this wall, with two mirrors, and a linen closet here.”

“That’s going to look so good,” she says, looking around the empty room. “I can almost picture it all now. Have you picked your tile out yet?”

“Yep, it’s all out in the garage. I’ll show it to you next. I also have the vanities and flooring in the garage, as well. Just need the time to start putting everything back together. Once we hire another bartender, I should have some extra time on my hands to work on things here.”

“How long have you had it torn out for?” she asks as we turn to leave the bathroom.

I rub the back of my neck, trying to think back. “Probably six months.”

“Wow, I’m sure you’ll love it once it’s done then.”