Page 154 of Rest In Pieces

“Oh, you should be. Pippin gives the best gifts.”

“You’re the only gift I need, Amity.”

“Ahh,” Tink coos, making Amity laugh.

“So this is a threesome, huh? I’ll admit I expected something more.”

“You keep your grubby hands off my old man.”

“Like that, is it?”

“Yeah, Pippin. Just like that.” Amity blows out a deep breath before continuing. “I want to stay. I want to see where this goes.”

“In the clubhouse or in the area?”

“Either. Both? I don’t care. I just want to be with G. I know I promised you an adventure, but?—”

“Are you kidding me, Amity? What could be a bigger adventure than falling in love?”

Amity turns her head to look at me, her heart in her eyes. “You’re right.”

“Of course I am,” Tink mutters as she gets comfortable.

“The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward.” She smiles at me, and I lean forward to kiss her lightly.

She doesn’t realize she is my reward. After a lifetime of just going through the motions, she crashed into my life and gave me something nobody else has:

A reason to risk it all.

I should’ve known he’d figure it out. Havoc smirks at me from where he stands, leaning against the shack with his arms crossed.

“Am I that predictable?”

“No. I just know this is exactly where I’d be if Amity were mine.”

“You gonna stop me?”

“I’m gonna help you. The way I look at it, both of us have a hell of a lot to gain from watching these fuckers die.”

“I think I’m going to like having you as my president,” I say as I walk inside, the smell of shit and piss almost making me gag.

“I’ll remind you, you said that,” he chuckles as he follows me in.

We stand beside each other, taking in the two men chained to opposite walls. Neither of them looks like they are going to last much longer.

“Acid and Knuckles. Good to see you, brothers. Khan told me you came to welcome me back into the Raven Souls fold.”

Acid lifts his head, though it looks as if it’s far too heavy for him to hold up for long. Knuckles’ eyes dart from us to the door.

“Listen, man, it wasn’t personal… We were just following orders,” Acid says, his voice strained as I step forward.

“Oh, I don’t know about that. It was very fucking personal to me. That was my old lady you almost fucking killed. It was my brain that could’ve been splattered all over the road.”

“We thought you were Havoc,” he yells when I lift my foot and press it against his stomach wound. He makes a high-pitched noise before passing out.

Me and Havoc look at each other.

“He thought you were me?” he frowns.