Page 116 of Rest In Pieces

“I need to get her jeans off so I can take a look. And the body of the guy she shot to save you,” he fires back.

I have no words as Mac helps Hannibal pull her jeans down, revealing an angry, bleeding gash on her leg that almost looks like a giant blister.

“Looks like a bullet clipped her. I doubt she even felt it.” He curses under his breath, grabbing his tray as he slowly starts to clean her up. I turn my head to look at Midas.

“Tell me everything.”

So he does, from start to finish. I lie there with my mouth open, trying to wrap my head around it all. What the fuck?

When Havoc comes into the room, his eyes on Amity, I want to punch him in the fucking face. But then I get a look at the expression on his face and snap out of it.

“She’s hurt?”

“She’s fine. Just a little scratch. She’ll be sore for a while, but nothing to worry about,” Hannibal tells him.

The room’s quiet as Hannibal cleans up. I look down at the woman in my arms, and my chest tightens. She’s had to deal with more than anyone should have to.

“This is going to mess with her head.”

“She’s strong G,” Mac starts but I interrupt him.

“This isn’t the first crash she’s been in. She was in a car accident when she was a teenager. She was pinned in place,and she couldn’t get free. Her mom was trapped with her.” I swallow the bile, hating that this probably triggered a bunch of unwanted memories. “Her mom died on impact. Amity said she was virtually decapitated.”

“This the same accident that took away her chance of being a mom?” Mac asks softly.

“And her ability to go back to the Olympics.”

“Jesus.” Havoc runs his hand through his hair. “I don’t have any fucking idea how she kept it together out there, but all she cared about was keeping you safe. She’s something special, G.”

“I know.” I press my lips to her forehead and breathe her in, feeling sick to my stomach at how close I came to almost losing her.

Clearing my throat, I look up at them. “We know who did this yet? Mac said they were wearing Raven Souls cuts.”

“The guy in the shack is Acid. Hannibal patched him up for now. Not sure about the other guy yet, but Amity said she could probably ID him,” Havoc replies.

“Acid? As in the enforcer for your old club?”

“The one and the same.”

“So the question is, why target G? And was this a sanctioned hit by the president, or do they have a couple of rogue idiots on their hands? Because there’s no fucking way this is a coincidence,” Midas hisses.

“It’s not. Not given the history I’ve got with them,” Havoc agrees.

“We need to get ahold of Blade. Send a couple of prospects to find him.”

Mac stands. “I’m on it.”

“How you feeling?” Havoc asks me before nodding at Amity. “She was pretty fucking worried about you. She was rambling about your helmet. You know fucking better than to ride withoutone. If she’d been knocked out, you’d both be dead right now. You know that, right?”

“I know. Let’s just add it to the list of fuck-ups I’ve got going.” I rub my hand over my face, the bright light making my head throb worse.

“You just need a few more stitches to close up the cut on your side where your jacket rode up,” Hannibal says as he walks back over with his tray. “Fuck knows what you hit, but it got you good. Once I’ve cleaned this up, I’ll turn the lights down. You have a concussion, so I’ll be in and out to check on you, but you were fucking lucky. You’ll be a giant bruise for the next few days, though. There’s not much I can do about that.

“Amity, on the other hand, fared a lot better. Other than the bullet grazing her, she’s fine. Hell, you’d never even know she was in an accident. I have no idea how she managed that.”

“She’s a stunt woman, she knows how to fall,” I tell them with a smile as I close my eyes.

“She what?” Havoc asks, but sleep claims me before I can answer.