“So, I met G at a bar when he was hammered. He spent the evening making friends with my boobs before I took his drunk ass back to the clubhouse, pulled a gun on a prospect twice, and flipped a patched brother over my shoulder for pissing me off.”
“Okay, you can join us,” Scope says.
I shake my head. “I’m not spending my date with you,” I tell him. The fucking ass.
“The cavalry’s here anyway,” Scope says, nodding toward the window.
I turn and see a car pull up, and Jinx, the Chaos Demons’ only female member, steps out.
“Crap. I’ve gotta go,” Mercy says to Amity. “But we should get together, compare notes on overbearing bikers.”
“Um, sure. I’ll be around for a little while. It all depends on how long the movie takes to shoot.”
“Movie?” She looks between us before her mouth drops open. “You’re in the movie being filmed near the Ravens’ clubhouse?”
Amity laughs. “Don’t get too excited. I’m not an actress. I’m her stunt double.”
A hint of panic crosses Scope’s face when he sees the look on Mercy’s face. “Fuck no. You’ve got enough crazy-ass women inyour life. Case in point,” he says as Jinx walks through the door. Today, Jinx is wearing her prosthetics instead of her blades that make her look like a badass from a sci-fi flick.
“See, I told you I wouldn’t be gone long. Are you guys ready?”
“Yeah, let’s go.” Scope nudges Mercy forward, but Mercy signals for Jinx to come over.
“Jinx, this is Amity. She’s a stuntwoman in the movie being filmed near Ravens’ Nest.”
Jinx takes off her shades and grins down at Amity. “That sounds like fun.”
“It is. I get to do shit that would give most people a heart attack. I can say, as an adrenaline junkie, I love it. You guys should come by and check it out. If you’re interested, I can get you a couple of guest passes.”
“Hell, yes! I’m game.”
“Me too. I need a break from all the big dick energy going on at the clubhouse.”
I look at Scope and chuckle at the scowl on his face.
“You’re pregnant, Mercy,” Scope reminds her.
She rubs her swollen belly. “Oh, so that’s what that is? And here I thought I’d just had too many cookies.” She rolls her eyes and pulls out her phone. “What’s your number?”
Amity reels off her number as Mercy enters it into her phone. Seconds later, a ping sounds. “There, now we have each other’s numbers. We’ll give you a call and set something up.”
“Sounds good. It was nice to meet you all.”
“You too,” Mercy says with a smile, while Jinx gives Amity a wave goodbye.
Scope hangs back as Mercy and Jinx leave and head to the car. “I love her being pregnant but hate not being able to put her on the back of my bike,” he admits, then turns to Amity. “Do not let her talk you into shit.” He stares at her with his cold eyes, which have most people backing down.
Not Amity, though. “And here I was thinking she might want to stand in for me,” she replies, glaring back.
“If she gets hurt—” He steps closer, but I pull her back and step between them.
“Don’t,” I warn him. I don’t care how crazy he is; I’ll put him on his ass if he tries anything.
“I don’t hurt people. Something tells me you can’t say the same,” Amity snaps back.
Scope snarls at her but storms out before his temper gets the better of him.
I turn to check on Amity and find her staring out the window.