Page 28 of Rest In Pieces

I hang up and send her a text.

Hey, this is G. I just want to say thanks for last night.

The message says it’s been delivered. I stare at the screen, willing her to reply but after a few minutes, I toss my phone on my bed with growl and strip out of my clothes. I walk into the bathroom and step into the shower to wash away the smell of alcohol seeping through my pores. Once I’m out, I get dried off and pull on a pair of black jeans and a clean white tee before slipping my cut back on.

I check the phone but don’t find a reply, so I send another text.

I just heard about the shit that happened last night. Let me buy you dinner to apologize.

I head back to my office and go back over the camera footage, this time starting from when Amity arrived. By the time I’m finished, I’m willing to admit—to myself, at least—that I wouldn’t come back here either.

With that, I do some digging. I check the two local hotels, and neither of them has an Amity listed as a guest. I even checked the short-term rentals but came up empty.

Tapping my chin, I start to wonder if she’s not just visiting. Maybe she moved here. I look into local realtors and recently sold properties in the area but after another a couple of hours searching, I’m still no fucking closer to figuring out where she is. I have the taste of the chase now though. When that happens, I rarely give up. Checking my cell phone, I see there’s still no response. Sliding my phone into my pocket, I decide to head back to the bar in town and see if anyone remembers her or her friend.

It’s relatively quiet in the main room when I walk in. Most people here are at work during the day. I’m lucky that, as a cybersecurity specialist, I can work from anywhere I want. It still blows my mind that I spent half my life in trouble for hacking, and now I get paid to do it.

Looking around the room, I see Dice, one of the prospects, behind the bar, ignoring two of the club bunnies arguing in front of him. Circus and Capone are talking animatedly in the corner, while Lil and Crane are playing pool. Hannibal is sitting beside them, his eyes firmly on Lil’s ass as she bends over to take her shot.

I walk over to Dice, and both the bunnies take notice, their argument forgotten. They turn my way with their backs arched, tits pushed forward, and wide let-me-suck-your-cock smiles. I can’t remember their names, which makes me sound like a dick, but they’ve only been around for a couple of weeks, and they’ve been busy with the other guys.

I don’t mind getting sucked off by a bunny, but I’d rather not dip my wick in communal pussy. If I want to fuck, I’ll go to a bar or a club. I like a bit of a challenge. It’s no fun if they just lie down and spread their legs.

“Hey, G. You wanna play a little?” the blonde one asks.

“No, I’ve got things to do.”

“You could do me and Macey. You could fuck me while I eat her out.”

“Like I said, busy.”

I turn away from them and nod to Dice. Out of all the prospects, he’s my favorite. He does what he is told, keeps his temper and attitude in check, and is willing to go the extra mile.

“You seen Blade or Conan around?”

“Sunshine has an appointment, so they went with her. Inigo too. Blade said he’d be back later, but the others are heading over to Carnage.”

“Alright, I’m heading into town. I’ve got my cell if Blade or anyone needs me. Oh and Blade said you brought my bike back for me. Appreciate it man.”

“No worries, G.”

I head out. When I get to the warehouse, I find Midas working on his bike.

“Hey, are you off to look for the girl?”

I straddle my bike and look at him. “Yeah. Gonna check out the bar I was at last night. See if they remember her.”

“Should probably check out the diner too. There aren’t many places to eat around here. If she’s staying in the area, she’ll probably turn up there at some point.”

“Good call.”

“You want some company?”

“You not working today?”

Midas runs the pawnshop in town. “Not ’til tonight. Legs is doing the day shift.”

“Company sounds good. You meet Amity last night?”