“Imust be getting old ‘cause it’s taking a fuck of a lot longer to heal than it used to,” I say, and Jinx laughs.
“You got hit by a truck, G. The fact that you’re here walking and talking three days later means you’re fucking lucky. You both are.”
“I know.” And I do. Moaning aside, it’s a miracle that both me and Amity walked away with just a few minor injuries.
I look over at Mercy, Lil, and Legs. They’re talking animatedly to Amity, who just jumped from one horse-drawn wagon to another like it was nothing.
“I thought you would’ve stuck with Mercy. I must look pretty pathetic,” I joke. Truth is, I feel that way. I had Toot cover the set this morning while I crashed for a few hours in the RV. I could’ve used another day or two to recover, but I wasn’t willing to let Amity out of my sight.
“It’s good for her to spend time with other women,” Jinx says. “Lord knows the ones at Chaos leave a lot to be desired, and she must get sick of seeing my face all the time.”
I chuckle, knowing that’s far from true. From what I heard; they were tight even before they were bonded by that fucked-up experience that nearly killed them both.
“You’ve reached your girly limit, haven’t you?”
She blows out a deep sigh. “I like make-up and shoes as much as the next woman, but I was mostly raised by men and have always worked with them. I know what suits me and that’s about it. When I left them, they were talking about blow job-proof lipstick and high heels, so it seemed like a good time to bail.” She jokes, lifting one of her prosthetics as a reminder that heels are not really an option if she wants to stay upright.
“I’m not bothered about heels either but I want to know about blow job-proof lipstick,” I whine, making her snort before something catches her attention.
I turn to look, and I see Monica watching us from outside Amity’s RV. I bite back a groan, knowing she’s probably here looking for me.
“What’s the deal with her anyway? She’s looking at you like you’re her favorite popsicle.”
“She has a stalker. And because I’m on set visiting Amity all the time, I was hired to watch her.”
“Ah. The downside of being rich and famous. You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with that shit.”
“Amity says the same.”
“I have to say, your girl is something else. I mean, I often think I have a screw loose. But then I met her, and she makes me look sane.”
“You keep telling yourself that, Jinx,” I joke.
“Tell you what?” Mercy asks as she walks over.
I jump out of my seat and offer it to her. She eases herself down into it and sighs in relief when she gets herself settled.
“Jinx is trying to convince me she’s sane.”
Mercy looks at Jinx for a second before she bursts out laughing. “Oh God, that’s a good one.”
Jinx shakes her head. “I need new friends.”
“Oh, you can borrow mine. Hey, Legs, Lil, come here for a second.”
They finish talking to Amity, who waves them off before she blows me a kiss and heads over to talk to Jack.
“What’s up, Mercy?” Legs asks, looking over at Craft Services. “Do you need a drink or something to eat?”
Mercy turns a beaming smile at Jinx. “I love bitches who aren’t bitches.”
Legs shakes her head, but Lil looks confused for a second. “Thanks, I think.”
“Mercy has no filter. You’ll get used to it,” Legs chuckles. “But seriously, do you need anything?”