“I’m just playing devil’s advocate here. I wanted to figure out if this was a freak accident, and when they realized who they hit, they tried to clean it up by taking you both out. Or if they targeted you for a reason.”
“That’s what we’ve all been asking ourselves.” Midas sighs.
“We can call Khan, but we all know he won’t admit to anything. He’ll just play dumb to save his neck.” Hannibal shrugs. Clearly, he’s not a fan of this Khan guy.
Havoc grunts but doesn’t disagree.
“They didn’t come out of nowhere,” I say softly as I go over it all in my head without the panic consuming me. “I saw them as we reached the intersection. They were parked on the side of the road. I only noticed because the sun hit the paint making it look purple, which struck me as odd for some reason. There was no way they didn’t see us.”
“And they hit us fucking hard,” G adds. “That just proves it was no accident.”
Havoc slides his cell phone across the table to me. On the screen is a photo of a man I don’t recognize. “Scroll through and tell me if you recognize anyone.”
I nod and start flicking through the pictures, pausing when I think I recognize the one I shot in the stomach. I turn the phone so the others can see it. “This is the guy I shot in the stomach, isn’t it? Acid, I think I heard someone say.”
Havoc nods. Blade sits there quietly, taking everything in. He hasn’t said much since I walked in.
“He’s from my old chapter.” He holds my stare like he’s waiting for me to say something. But what does he want me to say? Sorry?
“I’m not sorry I shot him,” I tell him, making him frown.
“Good. You shouldn’t be sorry. Hell, if anyone should be sorry, it’s me.”
“Because they’re obviously stirring up trouble now that I’m here. If I would’ve?—”
I hold my hand up to shut him up as G leans in and kisses the side of my head. “Don’t be an idiot, Havoc. You didn’t do anything wrong. And if that’s how that chapter’s run, well, then fuck them.”
They all look at me, but I ignore them. “Maybe they’re trying to point the finger at you to make you look bad so you don’t get voted in as president. Wait, do you get voted in, or does Blade just say, ‘Tag, you’re it?’”
Havoc’s lips twitch as the guys in the room laugh.
Blade finally speaks up. “Havoc’s not going anywhere. And if they try to point their fingers at him for this, I’ll break every damn one of them myself.” He rubs his hand over his face, looking exhausted.
I look back down at the phone and keep scrolling through Havoc’s pictures until I find him. I turn it around and hand it to Havoc. “This is the guy.”
“Knuckles. I can’t say I’m surprised. Where Acid goes, Knuckles usually isn’t far behind.”
Everyone’s quiet for a moment, feeling the blow of brothers turning on brothers. If what I’ve pieced together is true, then this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. I stay silent, knowing nothing I say will make them feel any less betrayed.
Blade runs his fingers through his hair and sighs. “I think the longer we wait for Havoc to take my spot, the more shit they’ll start.” He looks around at all the brothers and swallows. I grip the table, feeling the sadness and resignation pouring from him.
“I know I planned on giving Havoc time to adjust, but I can’t help but feel like that’s a mistake. When you become president, you’ll have all the power. You can shake up the members there or even disband that chapter altogether. You know them better than me, and after the shit they’ve pulled, you’re the one who deserves to dole out their punishments.”
Blade looks at me. “Besides that, a little birdy might have told me how well you all worked as a team yesterday when you couldn’t get hold of me. And how Havoc stepped up like he’d always been here. She said you boys did me proud. She’s right.”
He stands up and presses his hand to his heart. “It has been an honor to be your president.” He rips the president patch from his cut and slides it over to Havoc. “But there’s a new sheriff in town.”
Absolute silence blankets the room. I swear everyone’s holding their breath as Havoc stands up and walks over to Blade. When he pulls Blade in for a hug, I struggle to hold back my tears.
“I have some mighty big shoes to fill.”
Fists start banging on the table, and feet start stomping on the floor until it sounds like thunder roaring through the room. I don’t know if it’s for Blade or for Havoc—hell, maybe it’s for both—but as I lean against a visibly choked-up G, I know I’m witnessing something monumental.
It’s the end of an era.
And the beginning of a new one.