“Didn’t know you had a girl, G,” Havoc drawls, his voice an orgasmic mix of Samuel L. Jackson and Morgan Freeman. Jesus, I need to keep him away from Nevaeh, or she’ll want him to narrate all her audiobooks.
“We’re still pretty new,” I tell him as he takes me in. There’s something about him that reminds me of Hannibal. Okay, not quite psychotic, but there is something cold and detached about him. Knowing his story, or parts of it, I can see why.
“Amity here arranged this thing for you between filming,” Blade tells him.
“Filming? You a porn star?”
I look up at G and shake my head. “That’s what I get for wearing my hooker heels.”
“I like those heels. Means when I bend you over later, you’ll be the perfect height to?—”
I cover his mouth with my hands before I start humping him. “Not a porn star, but I’m going to take that as a compliment.I think. Actually, I met a porn star once. Or an ex-porn star. Sweet guy. Huge—” Now it’s G’s turn to cover my mouth.
I mumble and lick his hand before he pulls it away. “I was gonna say RV. Sheesh, keep your mind out of the gutter.”
“Why do you always have the best stories?” Toot joins us, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, making G growl.
“Because I’m awesome, and I know awesome people and do awesome things.”
“Youareawesome.” Toot grins, raising a finger. “Now I need to hear about someone awesome you know and something awesome you did today. I’m living vicariously through you right now.”
I tap my chin, aware that Havoc and Blade are still here. Blade has grown on me like a fungus. I see his lips twitch as he watches me, but I pretend not to notice. Havoc, on the other hand, has no idea what to make of me.
“I had dinner with Valen Ward a couple of months ago.”
“Valen Ward? Isn’t he that billionaire tech guy?” Blade frowns.
Toot snaps his fingers. “His wife was one of the Lullaby Killer’s victims. She survived, though, right?”
“Rue. Yeah, she’s the only surviving victim. You’d never know if you met her, though. She’s super sweet and really nice.”
“How the heck do you know them?” G asks.
“The studio just bought the rights to turn her story into a movie. I can’t tell you about casting, but I can say that I wascalled in and asked if I was ok to do the stunts. They want to make it as realistic as possible, which means burying me alive.”
“I’m scared to ask what the exciting thing you did today was,” Toot says.
“Oh, that’s easy. G. Repeatedly. And it was?—”
“Awesome,” Toot chuckles, and the others join in. “Yeah, I get the picture.”
“Wait. Movies? Stunts?” Havoc asks, lifting an eyebrow.
I grin and pull out my phone, scrolling through my photos until I find the video I got Nevaeh to record. I hand it to Havoc, and he hits play.
“Today, I reshot the rooftop chase.”
The guys all crowd around to watch as I jump from roof to roof without missing a beat. Since G was on set when I was filming, he takes advantage of the distraction to reclaim his hold on me.
When the video ends, Havoc hands my phone back to me and looks at G. “Good luck with that. I’d be gray before I hit forty.”
G just smiles, and I shrug. “I know I’m not for everyone. And that’s okay because G likes me just the way that I am, and that’s all that matters to me.”
The party’s still going on downstairs, even though Havoc disappeared hours ago. We bailed too and have spent the last few hours in bed. Amity passed out on me thirty minutes ago, after riding my face.