Itake a deep breath and sprint across the rooftop, running as fast as my legs can carry me. As soon as my feet hit the edge, I jump, hurling myself forward. The wind rushes past me, pulling my hair back as I reach for the outstretched hand in front of me.
My fingertips brush against Adam’s in the briefest of touches. His eyes grow wide, filling with a look of terror as he tries to grab me. But just like his smile, I fall before his hand can close around mine.
I plummet to the ground, and Adam’s anguished roar echoes around me as the wind whips my hair around in a frenzy. I hit the ground with a thud and the air whooshes out of my lungs.
“And cut!” Ian shouts.
I take a second to catch my breath before rolling off the giant crash mat and standing up to the sound of clapping.
“That was awesome!” Ian calls out.
I give him a thumbs up and head over to Craft Services to grab a drink.
Pam smiles as she hands me a cold bottle of water, which I down in seconds.
“Hey, Amity.” I turn at the sound of my name, used to people calling me Spook on set because I move around so quietly.
“Oh, hi, Kayla.” I grin at the actress I’m stunt-doubling for.
I’ve been doing this for almost seven years now. I’ve worked with some amazing people and some real assholes. Thankfully, Kayla is one of the former. Once a child star, she’s the lead actress in the movie we’re currently shooting—When the Cradle Falls.
“Was that your last scene?”
I nod. Technically, jumping off the building is my last scene, but I’ll stay for the rest of the day in case Ian, wants to reshoot anything.
“Yeah, I’m ready to sleep for the next week and do nothing but lay around in my underwear.”
She laughs. “Isn’t walking around in your underwear your usual outfit when you’re not on set?”
“I’ll admit, I have a love-hate relationship with pants. I love that they make my ass look good, and I don’t have to shave my legs when I’m wearing them, but I hate the actual wearing them part.”
“If I had an ass like yours, I’d walk around without pants on too.”
“You do have an ass like mine. I’m your body double, remember?” I roll my eyes at her.
The truth is, she faces more pressure to look a certain way than I do. Sure, I have to resemble other actresses, but my job is so demanding that gaining weight is unlikely unless I start eating junk food all day, every day.
Kayla, on the other hand, gets torn apart and criticized by every news outlet and online troll in the world. My job might be dangerous, but I’ll be the first to admit I couldn’t handle what she does. That kind of scrutiny is relentless, and even though I’ve got thick skin, I’m still human.
“Let’s just agree to disagree. Anyway, I just wanted to say I had fun working with you and thank you for helping me improve my sparring technique.”
“You picked it up way faster than I did. By the time you start filming the sequel, you’ll kick my ass.”
She laughs, drawing the attention of those around us.
“You’re good for my ego. Of course, you’re full of shit, but I’ll take it. It’s kinda nice to get a compliment for my ass-kicking skills—rather than for the four pounds I lost while I was sick.”
“Lifestyles of the rich and famous.” I sigh. “I swear, Kayla, you’ve got ovaries of steel for putting up with it all.”
“It has its perks.” She smiles, her eyes drifting over to Alex, her co-star, and, if the rumors are true, her latest love interest.
I shake my head. Alex Chamberman’s a nice enough guy, but he’s got a reputation for dating his co-stars—relationships that rarely last beyond filming. Call me cynical, but I doubt this one will be any different. Still, it’s none of my business. For all I know, Kayla might just be looking for a good time herself.
“Good luck with that,” I say with a grin before heading back to my RV.