Page 7 of To Catch A Player

There was nothing I could say to make her slow down, but I had to try. “Just make sure you don’t run yourself ragged, Ma, or there will be no one to take care of either of you.”

“I went for a long walk this morning to clear my head and stretch these old bones.”

“Good to hear. If you need anything, Ma…”

“Thank you, Jackie. Maybe, I don’t know, maybe you could come for a visit soon?”

I laughed, but it wasn’t mean-spirited. “I’m pretty sure the doctor told Steve to take it easy, and we both know a visit from me won’t help him with that.”

We never got along, Steve and I, not from the moment he walked into our two-bedroom apartment thinking he was the king of our castle when he barely kept a job to help pay the bills.

“I just wish you two would get along.”

I knew she did and if I could, I would. But the guy was intolerable. “That ship has sailed, Ma. How are you? Really?”

She sighed, and the sound was heavy and tired. “I’m all right, I guess. Thought I might enjoy retirement a little more than I am, but otherwise I’m good.”

She could enjoy her retirement more if Steve wasn’t a lazy piece of crap who spent all the money and never made any. But I couldn’t say that.

“If you need something, Ma, just for you, I’m here. Always. I hope you know that.”

“I’m fine, Jackie,” she insisted, with a little too much of a tremor in her voice. “Tell me about you. How’s Texas? You have a girlfriend down there yet?”

I smiled and shook my head, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. “I don’t have time for that right now, Ma. We’ve got a bad guy on the loose, so things are crazy right now.”

She snorted. “I don’t believe that for one second. You’re just too busy down there, sowing oats or whatever.”

“Ugh, Ma. Please.” I needed to think of something else to talk about. Fast. “The calendar is just about done and I found out I’m helping a local chef in a county-wide cook-off.”

“Oh, the calendar! I’ve already pre-ordered five for me and the girls and I can’t wait to see you and your friends. Based on the Facebook page, they sure grow them handsome down there.”

“Ma,” I groaned, but I was happy to talk about something, anything other than Steve. Or my love life.

“Sorry, sorry. I’m just happy to see you settling into life in Tulip, even if it is so far away.”

“I know, Ma. I’m sorry.” I was sorry that I let Steve keep me from her, but it was easier for everybody if I stayed away. Ma tied herself up in knots trying to be the referee between us and I hated it. Which only made me angrier at Steve. It was a cycle best left alone.

“Don’t be sorry, just meet a nice a woman and start making some grandkids.”

“No woman yet,” I groaned, just as I spotted Reese in a bright red tank top and skin-tight jeans, marching across the park towards Bo’s General Store. “Soon. Maybe.” I was already on my feet and following her.

“Don’t leave soon too late, son, it shows up quicker than you realize.” There was a sadness in her voice that made my chest ache, and I hated that feeling because there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. She wouldn’t leave Steve. Ever.

“Sounds like you need a cruise to keep you busy, Ma.”

“Oh, you,” she laughed, and it was the sound I remembered most before Steve showed up. Not that he was physically abusive—he wasn’t, and I wouldn’t have tolerated that—but he sucked all the air and fun and life out of a room. “I need to get going, Jackie, visiting hours start soon.”

“Sure, Ma. Talk soon.”

“Love you, my boy.”

“Love you, too.” I slipped the phone into my pocket as I trailed Reese towards the general store, ready to share the good news with her.

Too bad Mack Murray chose that moment to dart past me like he was being chased. All thoughts of Reese were temporarily forgotten as I chased down the teenager to gave him and his friend a little bit of tough love.Reese“Don’t you think fifty-thousand photos is more than enough, Janey?” As much as I loved doing anything to promote my restaurant and my barbecue sauces, I hated posing for photos. And being forced to smile.

Janey groaned and dropped her camera to her side to glare at me. “Seriously? I’ve taken like fifty photos and you were scowling in half of them. The harder you fight this, the longer it’s gonna take, Reese.”

“You sure you don’t want to put on something else? Maybe some heels or something?” Ginger’s voice was hesitant and I looked down at my outfit, which was really more like my uniform. Jeans and a tank top—any color, thanks—and a pair of sneakers. It was functional and comfortable, and went great with my chef’s coat.