Page 28 of To Catch A Player

“You know what, Jackson? You’re right. I should stop fighting it so hard.” She stood, and her words were right. She crooked a finger and summoned me closer. “This feels like fighting distance.”

My lips curled into an automatic smile. “Can’t have that.”

We met in the middle of her bedroom, my gaze so focused on her I barely registered the semi-feminine décor in the room. “Absolutely not,” she whispered, and tugged on my belt.

This was exactly what I wanted. The very thing I’d fantasized about in the shower this morning. And this evening. And yesterday evening. But now that the moment was here and Reese was on board, it didn’t feel right. “Wait,” I told her, taking a step back.

“Don’t tell me you want to play shy now,” she purred and followed me, plastering her body to mine while her lips and teeth found my earlobe and proceeded to drive me insane.

I wasn’t shy, dammit. “No, but we don’t have to—”

“You’re one of those guys, aren’t you?

I frowned. “What are you talking about? Who are those guys?”

She shrugged, skin flushed and nipples hard. “One of those guys who only wants you until you give in, then he’s not interested. Well, I have no use for mind fuckers like that, so you can just be on your way.”

I stood, staring at her, mentally scratching my head as I tried to figure out what in the hell had just happened. “Huh?”

Reese came up to me again and pushed at my chest. “Go on. Go. It’s a weeknight, but I’m sure there are some girls out there looking to have their heads screwed with.” She pushed me again.

And again.

And again.

“Stop!” I grabbed her wrist and held her hand right against my chest, our gazes locked in a stare so hypnotizing, I wasn’t sure how much time passed while we waited. Hesitated to figure out if we would continue or take a step back.

Reese’s tongue peeked out and swiped against her bottom lip and then her top one. “I said go!”

Yeah, she had, but she didn’t mean it. I hadn’t figured out why, but now that I knew what I did, there was no turning back. I took a step forward and put my hands on her shoulders first, then slid them up her graceful neck until her face was cradled in my hands. I lowered my lips and finally, blessedly, our mouths collided.

Her lips were as soft and plump as I remembered—pliant, too, and when I slipped inside her mouth, Reese tasted of barbecue sauce and chili and chocolate. It was delicious. She was delicious and when she moaned, my dick woke up and joined the party. My hips flexed into her and she moaned again, her fingertips resting at the waistband of my pants. “Jackson,” she groaned softly.

That was it. Just that one word that said so much and held so much meaning, and I deepened the kiss, held her closer. Tighter. Gripped her hip with one hand and plunged my fingers into the golden depths of her hair, holding Reese exactly how I wanted her. How I needed her. She clung to me and ran her fingers through my hair, touching on a memory that sent fire rushing through my blood.

Us together. That night. Her fingers played in my hair just as they did now and, like now, my control snapped. I took a step back and looked at Reese, doing her damnedest to turn me off tonight, but little did she know that the ratty off-the-shoulder T-shirt she wore and her striped toenails really did it for me. Normally, I preferred practiced seduction because you knew what to expect, but this—it was intoxicating.

My hands went to her T-shirt first and then her jeans, making quick work of every single inch of fabric covering her body until it was laid bare to my gaze. “Fuck, Reese.” She was gorgeous. Magnificent.

I had to have her. Now.

It wasn’t the most romantic of seduction scenarios, tearing her clothes off and growling like an animal, but that was what she did to me. Turned me into a fucking animal. “You gonna look all night, or what?”

Sassy. I loved it. “I might,” I told her, and ran one fingertip from the crook of her hip down to her delicate ankles. “Would that be a problem?”

“For me, yeah. A big one.”

“Smartass,” I growled and pulled her into my arms, crashing my mouth down on hers as I made my way to the bed. The big fluffy bed right in the middle of the room called to me and when I had Reese laid out, naked and aroused, for my inspection, I took my time. I looked all over and didn’t know where to start, but those pretty pink nipples made my mouth water and I soon had my answer.