Page 161 of Naughty Nelle


“There are no buts. Do as I say, and I will reward you.” I jingle a bag of gold coins.


My icy stare silences him.

He bows his head. “Yes, My Queen.”

The hesitancy in his voice irks me. “If you fail me, you will pay the consequences.” With a wry smile curled on my lips, I slide a finger across my neck.

The Huntsman says nothing. He pivots around and plods toward the throne room’s massive double doors.

“Wait!” I shout out.

The Huntsman spins around. His forest green eyes glimmer with the hope I’ve changed my mind.

“Use this to bring me back her heart.” I toss him a small jeweled box. He catches it. His eyes downcast, he stuffs it inside his leather satchel, then disappears.

I grimace with regret. Such an elegant coffin. A potato sack would have sufficed.

All afternoon, I’ve been pacing the chamber that houses my magic mirror, struggling not to glance at it. We’re not speaking.

What’s taking that big-footed fool so long? I mean, how hard is it to plunge a dagger into a twig of a girl, rip out her heart, and bring it back? It doesn’t have to be gift-wrapped. In fact, I hate bows. They remind me of her.

The minutes crawl like hours. I’m getting antsy. Where the hell is he?

The door to my chamber swings open. Finally, The Huntsman, holding the jeweled box.

“Give it to me,” I order though I’m not sure what I’m going to do with my little souvenir. Dinner for the help perhaps?

The Huntsman’s lowers his head and silently hands me the box. He’s out the door before I can offer him the gold coins. Fine. I’ll save some money.

I give the box a little shake. It’s in there okay. I swear I can hear it still beating. Mission accomplished.

I stride up to my mirror and break into a wicked smile. Time for a little tête-à-tête.

“Mirror, mirror on the wall,

Now, who’s the fairest one of all?”

Studying my reflection, I await the answer with the eagerness of a child about to get a sweet.

Silence. What’s the problem? It’s not like I’m asking it to solve an impossible what-came-first riddle. I shoot my mirror a dirty look. Finally, it responds:

“My Queen, you are the fairest that I see…”

Yes! I am the fairest! My magic mirror can hold it right there. But the bigmouth rattles on:

“But near the hills where the Seven Dwarfs dwell,

Snow White is still alive and well,

And there is none so fair as she.”

What? That two-timing wimp didn’t kill her? She’s still alive? A stabbing pain pierces my heart. I don’t know whom I hate more—The Huntsman or my mirror.

Clutching the box, I storm out the door and race down the corridor. “You’re history!” I scream out, but it’s no use. The betrayer is gone, nowhere in sight.