Page 63 of Snow Going Back

‘Yes, that’s right.’

‘OK.’ Kate frowned. ‘Is there anyotherday he can do? Only with it being Christmas, I’m not going to be here, so?—’

‘I thought you said this was urgent?’ came the impatient reply.

‘Yes, it is, but?—’

‘Well then, that’s all he can do. He’s extending his stay at the retreat until Christmas, he’ll be around that day and then he leaves for New Zealand to visit his son. It’s either then or not at all,’ she told her.

Kate sat down on one of the bar stools, aghast. How could she tell Lance and her mother that she wouldn’t be home forChristmas? How could she even get herownhead around that?

‘Well? What’ll it be?’ the woman prompted.

‘I…’ Kate raised a hand and then dropped it defeatedly. ‘OK. I’ll have to take it.’

‘Very well. Now please don’t callagain.’

The line went dead, and Kate put her phone on the side, then dropped her head into her hands, feeling thoroughly deflated. How was she going to explain it to Lance? And, even worse, to her mother.


‘Hey, thanks again for arranging this,’ Kate said as she and Sam arrived at the door of the bridal boutique. ‘I really appreciate it.’

The trip to the housing project had been postponed after Sam had received a call from Jerry’s wife. He’d spoken to her, as promised, and she’d finally had a last-minute cancellation. In truth, Kate would have preferred to decline and carry on to the project, as planned, but with no time left, she knew she had to find a dress.

‘It’s fine,’ Sam said with a shrug, pressing the buzzer on the door. ‘Jerry owed me a favour.’ he studied her thoughtfully as they waited. ‘So, I thought the dress was one of those things you girls liked to have sorted in advance? You seem to be cutting it kinda close.’

‘Most girls, I guess,’ Kate answered reluctantly. ‘And yes. The dress appointment back home fell through, so…’ She trailed off and shrugged.

Sam nodded, looking at her with a slight frown she couldn’t quite read. He opened his mouth to say something, but then the door swung open and a tall blonde woman with a warm smile and twinkly blue eyes looked out at them expectantly.

‘You coming in or what?’ she asked.

‘Well, it ain’twhat,’ Sam replied cheerfully. He walked inside, and Kate followed.

Sam and Sarah exchanged pleasantries and a little banter, and Kate liked her almost instantly. She had a friendly warmth about her and possessed the great mixture of a gentle voice with a big laugh and a ready smile that naturally put people at ease.

‘So, can I get you guys something to drink?’ Sarah asked.

‘I’m good, thanks,’ Sam replied. ‘Kate?’

‘I’m OK, too. Thank you though.’

‘Well, let’s get you started. Now let me just get a quick look at you.’ Sarah held Kate back at arm’s length and ran an experienced eye over her. ‘OK, so you’re what, about a six?’

‘Er…’ Kate winced, trying to remember the conversion.

‘What are you back home?’ Sarah asked.

‘A ten.’

‘OK, then yeah, you’re a six. Come with me – I’ll show you what we’ve got. Sam, you stay right there.’ Sarah ushered her further inside with an excited twinkle in her eye. ‘We have somereallynice ones in right now.’

‘Sounds great,’ Kate replied, forcing a smile.

She looked at the rows of dresses. There were so many of them! More than there had been in the shop in London.

‘Here we are.’ Sarah waved her hands over several of the racks. ‘All of these are your size. What styles do you like?’