Page 50 of Snow Going Back

Eleanor tutted, and Kate let out a short laugh at her father’s mock serious tone.

‘You’re not taking thisseriously, Henry. Harriet could easilylieto get what she wants, which is why I’m telling Kate now. So she’s prepared. And we don’t havestatesecrets;we’reBritish. Our secrets arenational. Just because Kate’s over there, it doesn’t meanyoucan start acting American.’ She sighed. ‘Kate, I have to go. Your father’s trying to befunnyagain. Call me later.’

Kate chuckled and held down the record icon.

‘Hi, Mum. I did actually know it was you, as your name came up with the message. And, of course, I’m rather familiar with your voice. But thank you, anyway, for the in-depth clarification.’ She grinned. ‘And don’t you worry, your delicious Christmas cake secret is safe with me. I mean, asifI would give that up toHarriet Parsons!’Whoever she is, Kate added silently. ‘I’m tied up at the moment but I’ll call you tomorrow to talk flowers.’ Her smile turned to a grimace at the thought of that conversation. She couldn’t face it today. Not after the one she’d just had with Edward Moreaux’s secretary. ‘Love to you both. Catch you soon.’

She ended the call and stared out of the kitchen window, feeling deflated. She usually loved this time of year. Usually, she’d be fully into the Christmas spirit by now, planning parties and presents and everything in between. But then again, usually she’d be in England, around family and friends. She wouldn’t be living in a stranger’s home in a town where she knew no one, planning a wedding she hadn’t expected nor wanted from halfway around the world.

Running a hand back through her long dark hair, Kate bit her lip and stared at the phone screen, feeling a twang of guilt in her chest. She’d been putting off calling Lance, more and more often. But that really wasn’t fair on him. Plus, she’d promised herself she was going to move forward with a better mindset towards things.

She unlocked the screen, scrolled to his number and pressed the video call sign.

Lance’s face lit up her screen, and she straightened up, giving him a broad smile. ‘Hi, how’s things?’

‘They’re good. Great, actually,’ he replied.

A loud, obnoxious laugh she recognised all too well sounded from behind him. It was his boss, Nigel. A man she absolutely abhorred. Someone she privately calledthe megalodon, as although Nigel was one of the largest sharks in London’s legal waters, he was also a dinosaur, in all the worst ways. A man who grievedthe good old dayswhen there were fewer rules, and who kept himself just a careful hair’s breadth away from a sexual harassment case at all times.

‘Sorry, I didn’t realise you were out,’ Kate said with a tight grin. ‘I’ll call you later.’

‘No, stay,’ Lance insisted. ‘Tell me all about your day.’

‘Yes, Kate Hunter, tell us about your day!’ parroted Nigel as Lance was suddenly demoted to half the screen. ‘How’s life over there in the backwaters of America?’ He guffawed at himself.

‘Nigel,’ she said tightly. ‘How are you? And how’s your lovely wife? Is she there, too?’

‘Christ,no!’ Nigel looked horrified, then laughed again. ‘We’re out at the estate. Boys’ hunting weekend. Managed to rope in this old boy as you’re out of town. Couldn’t leave him moping around London getting lonely.’

‘How thoughtful of you,’ Kate replied. ‘I’m sure you’ll have a lovely time.’

‘We will indeed. And you shouldknow, Kate, you’re very privileged to be speaking to him right now.’ He pointed a thick sausage-like finger at the screen. ‘There are no wives allowed on boys’ weekends, not even on the phone. It’s a contractual clause of the verbal invite acceptance, you see. Now, I’ll make an exception for you, as you’re technically still unmarried, but make the most of it, because come the first of January…’ He trailed off with a waggle of his eyebrows and then chuckled loudly at himself again.

Kate nodded along, gritting her teeth as Lance joined in. ‘Got it. Though if I manage to grow apenisafter that point, where do we stand? Does that constitute as a clausal loophole?’ She smiled politely.

Lance froze. Nigel abruptly stopped laughing and frowned with a look of distaste.

‘Kate, you’re far too pretty to be that vulgar, and I’m certain Lance could do without that image in his head. Leave the jokes to your husband, will you?’ he said with a low chortle. ‘There’s a good girl.’

The angel on her shoulder Hollywood dived over to the other side and grabbed the little devil round the waist just as she lunged towards the phone with both fists at the ready. She dragged the other furious imaginary entity, still kicking and punching the air, around the back of Kate’s neck, giving her an encouraging thumbs-up before disappearing.

Kate took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, reminding herself that Nigel held Lance’s career in the palm of his pudgy hand. ‘Yes, you’re right, of course,’ she said smoothly. ‘That wasn’t very ladylike at all, was it. Anyway, I’d best go. You guys have a great weekend. Lance, we can talk Monday. It’s really nothing urgent.’

‘OK, if you’re sure, sweetheart,’ Lance said warmly, pushing his glasses up his nose as he came back into full view. He walkedaway from Nigel and his smile turned to an accusing frown. ‘Kate, whatareyou playing at?’

‘I’m sorry, but the guy is just so damnobnoxious,’ she replied.

‘Yes, heis,’ Lance said, stressed. ‘But he’s earned therightto be!’

‘Excuseme?’ Kate exclaimed. ‘You think obnoxious is something youearn the rightto be? Like it’s some sort ofgoal?’

Lance tutted. ‘That’s not what I meant, Kate, and you know it. I just mean when you’ve earned a professional track record as impressive as his, you expect to be allowed a little leeway on the odd thoughtless comment.’

Kate stared at his face on the screen, feeling bitterly disappointed by his response. ‘To be honest, I’m really failing to see the difference,’ she said flatly.

Lance let out a deep sigh. ‘Kate, I don’t want to fight with you, OK? All I’m asking is that you don’t offend my boss, the man who could make or break my career at will. Is that really too much to ask?’

‘No,’ she replied quietly.