The muscles around Sam’s jaw worked back and forth as he turned away and scratched the back of his neck.
‘Kate, this isn’t funny. I have a houseful of people down there ready to watch the game. Give it back,’ he demanded.
‘I have to disagree. I find thatincrediblyfunny.’ She stood up and picked up her satchel. ‘Itisin the house. I’ll give you that clue, to get you started. Excuse me.’ She waited until he moved back into the hall and then closed the door behind her. ‘Oh, and I’ll give you one more.Well, actually it’s more of a warning. It’s not in my room, and my room is off limits.’ She held his gaze. ‘And just to ensure you don’t feel tempted to ignore that, I’ve set various booby traps around the place that are more than a little dangerous. So if you value all ten fingers, I’d keep out.’
Sam scoffed. ‘You’re bluffing.’
‘Am I?’ She raised an eyebrow, and as doubt flickered through his expression, she knew her words had hit the mark.
Leaving him there, she walked down the stairs and put on her boots, glancing into the lounge. A group of men stood together looking miserable, Mike included.
‘Kate,’ he said, catching sight of her. ‘How you doing? You’re looking good.’ He walked over with an awkward smile. ‘I, er…’ He glanced back at the group. ‘We were wondering if you could maybe find it in you to, er…’
‘No,’ she replied with a smile. ‘I couldn’t.’
Mike nodded, shifting his weight uneasily between his feet. ‘It’s just, er, this game, it’s animportantgame…’
‘Oh, am I ruining your night, Mike?’ she asked, her words laced with sarcasm as she pointedly lifted an eyebrow. ‘Ihateit when people do that.’
Mike nodded, mashing his lips together, suitably shamed. ‘Yep. Yeah, that, er… OK, you have a good night!’
There was a chorus of groans from the group of men as he returned, unsuccessful. Kate suddenly realised Jerry was sat on the sofa stuffing popcorn into his mouth, transfixed by the Spanish drama unfolding on the TV.
‘Jerry,’ Mike prompted him. ‘Hey.Jerry.’
‘Mm? Oh, hey, Kate.’ Turning briefly, he grinned. ‘Sorry about the other night,’ he added casually. ‘Hope all’s good with you.’
Kate stared back at him, amused. ‘All’s great, thanks, Jerry.’
‘Good, good.’ The dramatic music increased, and his hand paused mid-air as his eyes widened.
Sam walked past her to stand with his friends, looking furious. ‘This really isn’t cool, Kate. Look around – this isn’t just my night you’re ruining. It’severyone’s.’
‘That’s not true,’ she argued cheerfully. ‘Look at Jerry. He’s having awonderfultime!’
‘I am,’ he agreed with a nod. ‘Why don’t we just watchthis? It’s really good. Sarah and I watch it at home. This chick has a?—’
‘Shut up, Jerry,’ Mike snapped, throwing a packet of pretzels at his head.
Sam stared at Kate determinedly. ‘We arewatchingthe game tonight. No matter what. Give me the damn remote, Kate. Imeanit.’
‘Oh, youmeanit?’ Kate asked, a slow smile curling up her face.
Mike leaned in towards Sam and spoke in a quiet, urgent tone. ‘Listen, you ain’t married, so there are some things you have yet to learn, and one of them is that if a woman smiles like that?—’
‘I don’t give a damn, Mike,’ Sam exploded. ‘This ismydamn home, that ismydamn TV, and if I want to watch it, I’m not letting some stuck-up tea-drinking pain in the assstopme!’
Mike shook his head with a resigned expression, and Kate’s smile broadened.
‘Happy hunting, boys,’ she said brightly before turning around and walking out.
She grabbed her coat off the hook and set off, Mike’s voice drifting through as she shut the front door.
‘Nowwhat are we gonna do?’
‘Oh, we’re watching the game, Mike,’ Sam replied determinedly. ‘And if she thinks she’s stopped that happening, then she’s got another thing coming.’