Page 11 of Snow Going Back

They all turned at the sound of Lance’s voice. He walked into the room and over to Kate, resting an arm across her shoulders.

‘Hello, fiancée,’ he said warmly.

Kate looked up and forced the threatening cringe into a smile, squeezing his hand. She couldn’t answer him. Her stomach twisted uncomfortably at the sound of the wordfiancée. As he turned his attention to the rest of the group, she rested her head against his taut torso and felt a wave of helplessness wash over her. There had to be a way to back out of this. Buthow, without hurting and embarrassing everyone she cared about?

‘We were just discussing possible options for the wedding, Lance,’ Eleanor told him. ‘I suggested Kirtlington Hall,’ Eleanor began.

‘That’s a great idea,’ Lance said enthusiastically.

‘Isn’t it? And I was thinking—’ Eleanor pushed on like a runaway steamroller, and Kate quickly sat upright, knowing she had to rein her mother in now before she got too carried away.

‘Actually, I really don’t want it there. I’m sorry, but a big wedding would be my worst nightmare,’ she said honestly. ‘I know it’s probably not what you had in mind, but I’d just prefer something small. More intimate.’

‘Gosh, OK.’ Lance pushed his tortoiseshell glasses up his nose and let out a small laugh. ‘Well, I can’t say I’m not surprised, but if an intimate wedding is what you want, then that’s what we’ll have. Whatever makes you happy.’

Kate shot him a small smile. Despite the fact he’d caused this waking nightmare, she was grateful for this support. It would make containing her mother a lot more manageable.

‘There are some great smaller venues in London we could look at,’ Lance continued. ‘We could maybe book one of theMichelin-star restaurants for the wedding breakfast. Galvin La Chapelle would be quite fitting.’

There was a chorus of agreement, and Eleanor jumped on board immediately. Kate’s relief swiftly faded, however, as Eleanor began listing which magazines might be interested in covering the event and Lance met these suggestions with great enthusiasm.

‘So, when are we thinking?’ Eleanor asked. ‘A spring wedding? Autumn?’

‘Actually, I’ve always rather liked the idea of getting married on New Year’s Eve,’ Lance said. ‘Saying goodbye to the old year and celebrating the start of anewone as a married man. What do you think, Kate?’

Kate hesitated, feeling like she was being backed into a corner with this question. Did they really have to make that decision now? ‘Um, New Year’s Eve?’ she repeated.

She thought it through for a moment. It was the end of October now, so that would make it over a year away. Perhaps agreeing to that wasn’t the worst idea. It would put a decent amount of time and distance between her and the wedding. Her hopes lifted a little, and she slowly nodded.

‘Yes,’ she said, a little more enthusiasm in her tone now. ‘I think that’s a perfect idea.’

‘Yeah?’ Lance queried.

‘Yes,’ she said firmly. ‘New Year’s Eve is ideal.’Fourteen months, she told herself encouragingly.

‘Perfect!’ Eleanor clapped her hands together. ‘Then that’s settled. New Year’s Eve it is! Oh, Katherine, what an exciting Christmas this is going to be! Not long to plan, but that’s OK. What is it, nine weeks away?’

‘Thisnew year?’ Kate’s eyes widened in alarm as her strategic agreement completely backfired. This hadn’t been the idea at all.

‘It’s impossible,’ Amy said, horrified.

‘No, it’s not,’ Eleanor replied. ‘It’s just been agreed that it will be a small wedding, hasn’t it? No need to organise endless suppliers or hundreds of guests. We’ll simply book the venues, then buy the dresses, the suits and a cake.’

Kate opened her mouth to argue, then realised there was no argument there to use. She’d well and truly screwed herself over.

‘It could work,’ Lance said thoughtfully.

‘Really,Lance?’ Amy exclaimed.

‘I can’t see why not,’ he replied. ‘Alright. Let’s do it! What do you say, Kate?’

Kate felt the back of her neck grow hot, and she placed a cooling hand there as she tried to think ofanyvalid argument she could throw in against the idea, but there wasn’t one that didn’t betray her true reluctance.

‘I can’t see why not, either,’ she said eventually.Literally, she added mentally.I literally cannot find a valid reason.

‘That’s settled then!’ Lance exclaimed. ‘The date’s set. We’re getting married!’

There was a small eruption of cheers, and Lance lifted his glass. Kate lifted hers, too, automatically clinking it against everyone else’s with a fixed smile as she internally screamed. As she imagined herself leaping up from the bar stool and throwing herself through the window to escape. Because this was all moving too fast, and in a direction she hadn’t evenchosen.This wasn’t a miscommunication over which restaurant they were going to eat at tonight or what style she asked her hairdresser for. Those things were temporary. This wasforever.Heat crept up her neck into her cheeks, and she pulled at the neck of her jumper.