“I mean it. I let Liam goad me, with his teasing about being in love with you. It scared the shit out of me and I reacted badly. Really badly, and I don’t know how else to explain it. I’m in love with you.”

In. Love. With. Me. It was a nice thought, but I didn’t believe it. “You don’t, Oliver. You feel guilty because you’re a good guy.” I stood and took two steps in Oliver’s direction before I reached out to put a hand on his shoulder. “I accept your apology and now we can just move on.”

“Move on,” he growled and pulled me closer. “I don’t want to move on from you, woman, what part do you not get about that?” His blue eyes burned bright as they looked down into mine; his arms wrapped around my waist. “I’m in love with you, Eva.”

His words resonated deep within me and I felt a calmness, a settled-ness come over me. “You’ve never been in love before. How do you know?”

At my smile, his own flashed big and bright. “For starters, because it turns out that being a cranky bastard, having no appetite, and being completely miserable without you are apparently symptoms of being in love.”

“Did you find that on WebMD?”

“Doctors.com,” he shot back easily, his smile growing as the tension slowly fled his shoulders. His hands. “And they said the only cure was to admit you have a problem. I love you, Eva Vargas.”

He loved me. It was the third time he’d said it and each time, I believed it a little bit more. “Oliver.”

“No, it’s okay. You don’t believe me yet, but you will.” His chest puffed out a little bit and a flirtatious smile flashed.

“I will?”

Oliver nodded. “You will. Because I’m going to spend every single day for the next six months showing you exactly how much I love you. Showing you what you mean to me, until you believe it. All I’m asking is that you don’t give up on me, on us. Not yet.”

How could I give up on this man? This crazy confirmed bachelor who stood before me, talking words of love when mere weeks ago he was sure he couldn’t fall in love. “I love you, too, Oliver.”

Surprised flashed in his eyes. “You do?”

I nodded. “Why do you think I was so angry?” I shook my head to clear warring thoughts. “I love you, but I’m scared.” So damn scared that this would be another relationship that ended badly, another scar that wouldn’t heal properly.

Oliver’s big hands cupped my face and turned me to face him. “Don’t be scared, Eva. I know I was a fool, a crazy, reckless fool, and I don’t deserve a second shot with you. But I’m asking you for it, because this past week has been miserable. I’ve missed you so damn much.”

His lips brushed against mine so gently I might have dreamed it if not for the low moan that tore through my belly. “I missed you, too, you big jerk.”

“I am, but I’m your jerk. Right?”

I nodded, smiling uncontrollably as his big hands sifted through my hair. “Yeah, I guess you are my big jerk.”

His shoulders relaxed and Oliver deepened the kiss, plunging the depths of my mouth until all I could do was hang on to him, cling to him to keep from floating away altogether. When he pulled back, Oliver’s smile was as bright as the sun. “Six months from now, we’ll come back up here and you’ll tell me you still love me, more than you did six months ago, and then I’ll ask you to be my wife. And you’ll say yes.”

His words, his confidence, were so over the top I couldn’t help but laugh. “Marriage? Aren’t you still Your Best Bachelor?”

“No, babe, I’m your best man. Period.”

I wrapped my warms around Oliver’s neck and jumped in his arms, whispering in his ear, “I like the sound of that,” before I kissed him until we were both senseless and breathless, and giggling like fools.

Two fools in love.* * *THE END