I couldn’t help but laugh at the proud expression on his face. “Think it’ll be enough?”

His blond brows dipped into a worried vee. “I wasn’t sure, either,” he said earnestly. “So, there’s more potato salad, chips, and beer at my place.”

This time, the laugh that came out of me was loud and boisterous, bending me over as tears streamed down my cheeks. “Good. Job,” I gasped around my laughter.

“Don’t mind her,” Mama assured Oliver. “It’s always better to have more than you need for a party, rather than not enough. No one ever complains about eating or drinking too much, at least not until later.”

“You’re a smart woman, Mira.”

“Damn right,” she laughed. “Party rules 101.” Since my Mama was a veritable expert on throwing parties and putting meals together, she directed me and Oliver for the next couple hours, making sure the fish was seasoned, the onion rings were crisp, and the beer was cold. “Now, you can just relax and enjoy your party. And the questions,” she added much quieter.

“Questions? About who caught the fish?” Oliver guessed incorrectly. “I have no problem admitting Eva caught most of the haul.”

Sometimes I thought it must be nice to live in Oliver’s world, where there were no hidden meanings or subtext. “She means the questions about us throwing a party together.”

“Oh. It was easier than splitting up the fish.”

“At least you two got your stories straight,” Ma quipped unnecessarily, laughing at her own little joke.

It turned out that, like with most things, Mama was absolutely right. The music was on and only a few guests had arrived, but already I’d been congratulated on changing Oliver’s bachelor ways.

As if I had the power.

As if anyone did.

“I gotta say, Eva, I’m surprised you were brave enough to try and tame that beast.” Tara shook her head, looking very un-cop-like in her white dress dotted with colorful apples. “Kudos to you.”

“No one has been tamed,” I assured her. “We have become friends. That’s all.”

Tara’s brows went up at my lie. “Sleepover friends who throw parties together? Don’t sound like any kind of friends I ever heard of, but hey, I’m out of the game so what do I know.”

It was the perfect opening to change the subject. “If you’re looking to get back into the game, Time For Love would be happy to help. Law enforcement discount, too.”

She scoffed and shook her head. “No, thanks. Marriage soured me on the concept of dating, at least for a little while longer.”

Her honesty was refreshing, so I let her off the hook. “We’re here when you’re ready.”

“Looks like you’re ready—to win the bet and Oliver’s heart.” Tara nodded to where he stood beside the grill, laughing as he flipped burgers and steaks brought by Liam and Chris. His gaze caught mine and I gasped at the heat there, sure, but there was also something else. Something more. Affection. It was in the way his eyes crinkled at the corners, the way his mouth formed into the perfect smile. “Yeah, that look right there.”

I turned to Tara who pointed at me with a knowing smile. “You’re wrong. It’s just sex. Really good sex.”

“Good to know,” she snickered and shook her head, walking toward the tables laden with food.

It was barely enough time to catch my breath before my business partners strolled across the grass, knowing looks on their faces and one simple question burning in their eyes. “This is unexpected,” Sophie said with a smile.

“Yeah? Then why don’t you sound at all surprised?”

“Because we’re matchmakers, Eva. Duh.” Olive rolled her eyes and took one arm while Sophie took the other, walking me toward the back fence that separated my yard from the undeveloped property beyond it. “So, what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” I answered automatically.

“Liar,” Soph said easily. “It must be something if you were willing to risk our business and our friendship.”

She was right about that, dammit. I sighed, wishing I’d gotten something stronger than pink lemonade. “I like him, okay? But none of that matters so, please, stop pushing this. I’ll try to win the bet, but I won’t let myself believe.”

Olive looked at me as if she could see my innermost thoughts and I shifted uncomfortably. “Too late, babe. You already believe, that’s why you’ve got that scared rabbit look in your eyes.” She laid her head on my shoulder and gave my arm a sympathetic squeeze.

“Yes, you’re right, okay? So, can we please drop this? Pretty please?”

“Okay, fine,” Sophie agreed easily. Too easily. “Just promise you won’t jump to any conclusions or do anything to sabotage things. Even if you think there’s nothing to sabotage. Do it, or don’t do it, for me.”

I owed her. She could have made my life miserable—or worse, ruined my professional reputation thanks to my getting too friendly with Oliver—and she hadn’t. This was the least I could do. “Fine. You win.”