I knew the story of his ex well and I didn’t think he wanted to go into on air, but I knew I didn’t. “And what about clichés, like the dead womanizer leaving one hundred suspects?”

Chris laughed and took a sip of his beer. “If you remember, I switched it up in book three. The womanizer was loved by all of his previous lovers because they knew the score up front and he always showed them a good time. Most importantly, he was kind to them afterwards.” Chris’ pause was intentional, just like the knowing look he tossed my way. “Turns out it wasn’t any of those women, but someone else. Someone he actually loved. I don’t want to spoil it, but you know the rest.”

“How could we forget the best damn female killer in fiction? Also, your best nemesis to date. The question is, when will she be caught?”

Chris laughed and scrubbed a hand over his face. “That’s the question, isn’t it?” His gaze shifted and I knew he was still having trouble writing, and with his editor and agent crawling all over him, Chris didn’t need me adding to his stress.

“Might I suggest that she settles down with a nice guy and stops killing? Oh, or they kill together. Like a love story.” Michelle, smartass that she was, felt cricket sounds were appropriate for the moment.

Chris laughed. “Sounds like the matchmaking thing might be working for you.”

I tried to hold back a groan, but Chris was just one damn person too many to bring up the matchmaking. “Not you, too?”

He laughed again and shrugged. “Curious minds, and all that. Not to mention that you two have been spotted all over town looking nice and cozy.”

“Who?” Suddenly, I felt paranoid, but I also felt the need to explain. “Look, the first date was nice. She was smart and hot, but all we talked about was her dream wedding. Color schemes and appetizer options, the full shebang. And the other, well, we just weren’t looking for the same things.” I shrugged it off. “It’s called modern, mature dating, folks.”

“Nice dodge, but I’m talking about Eva, of course. Hanging out with some adorable kid with her and picnicking in the park like a happy family. Romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant. I don’t even listen to the gossip and I’ve heard it at least a dozen times.” His laugh was rich and deep, so amused I knew the listeners were smiling in return.

A quick look at Michelle and I knew my torture wouldn’t end anytime soon. “That’s because there’s nothing to do in this town. I like Eva. She’s beautiful and funny, tough as hell, and it takes a lot to impress her. It’s, I don’t know, refreshing, I guess. I like her.”

“Obviously.” Chris shook his head and leaned forward so his elbows rested on his legs. “What’s not to like about a beautiful, independent woman? The question is, how much do you like her?”

That question made my throat dry in an instant because it was the one I was trying really hard not to think about. I liked Eva, a lot, as I told Chris. But was it enough to jump right into a long-term relationship? Enough that I could forget my every instinct just to spend more time with her? I didn’t know. “Oh, wow, would you look at the time!” I flashed him a satisfied grin. “Time for Ask Me Anything.”

Chris and I spent the next hour taking calls and answering questions about everything from books to dating to sex positions and predicting winners for upcoming sporting events. Just guys being guys, with almost no thoughts of Eva to distract me.

“Man, that was brutal,” Chris said with a sympathetic look. “You sure you’re all right?”

I nodded. “Things with Eva are… confusing.”

“Things with women are always confusing. More so when you’re fighting it so hard.”

“I’m not fighting a damn thing,” I told him and walked out of the small studio located in the guesthouse that acted as my office and production space. “We don’t want the same things. If she was interested in a few nights of fun, I’d be all over her. But as it is,” I looked around to make sure there were no ear hustlers around, “we already slept together.”

“Dude, for real?” I nodded and looked at him, waiting for a piece of wisdom that would make me stop freaking out. “So, you like her and you slept with her? Sounds like your bachelorhood is in more peril than you realize.”

“No, it isn’t.” I was a bachelor and I would always be one. “Love is for suckers, no offense, and I’m not interested.” Not even for an incredible woman like Eva.

“If you say so,” Chris said and we walked over to The Mayflower for food.

“I do.”

“Not those words,” he joked, laughter erupting out of him when I flipped him off.