“Even if it’s the truth?”

“Yes,” I sighed, “even if it’s the truth. A man, a real man who is looking for a life partner, will be more patient because a woman in love is willing to try just about anything. So, maybe she’s a prude today, but she might not always be.”

Oliver looked over his shoulder and our gazes collided unexpectedly. The air between us sizzled with electricity. I felt my pulse kick up a notch at the same time his pupils dilated and his nostrils flared. “So, no to the ‘no prudes’ thing?”

“Hell no,” I clarified and moved on, using some of the questionnaire answers to fill in the blanks. “Relationship goals?”

Oliver’s shoulders tensed at the question and I was happy that it was one of the last ones because it lulled the client into a false sense of security before we dropped the hardest question to answer on them. “Not applicable.”

“‘Looking for that special someone,’ it is,” I said and clicked on the button to move on.

“According to my mom, we’re all special,” he snorted in amusement.

“Exactly. It’s true without being a lie.” I scanned his answers to make sure he hadn’t snuck anything offensive into the profile and stopped at one. “You do volunteer work?”

He nodded. “I do. Don’t you?”

“Of course I do, but I don’t have issues with commitment.” A notion Sophie and Olive might disagree with but, luckily, they weren’t there.

“Neither do I.”

“Sure.” There was no point arguing, since the whole reason for this bet was his cynicism and aversion to love and relationships. “Until we have some matches for you, we’ll spend some time doing date prep.”

Oliver snorted and shook his head. “Date prep? Explain, please.” His amusement combined with the condescension in his tone was hard to take, but I summoned all the patience within my orbit and used it.

“Some people are single because they get anxious or nervous, or because they’re introverts. It has nothing to do with their desirability, just that socializing isn’t a strength. For clients like that, we offer a variety of services including makeovers, wardrobe assistance, practice dates, etiquette classes, and even speed dating.”

“And how much does all that cost?”

“Depends on the package. Some people believe the outcome is worth the investment, like silk sheets. Or bulk condoms.”

A slow smile spread across Oliver’s face. “Bulk condoms are always worth the investment.”

“Maybe you do need the full dating class treatment, after all.”

The sound of Oliver’s deep, amused laughter was still vibrating in the air minutes after we’d said our goodbyes and made plans for the next meeting.Oliver“Yes, Mom, I know that I won’t be young and handsome forever.” I tried not to roll my eyes, even though I knew she couldn’t see me. My mother had a knack for finding out about all of my misdeeds.

“I always knew that face of yours would get you in a world of trouble, son, but what were you thinking going after that woman like that?” Of course, even my own damn mother was on Eva’s side.

“I wasn’t going after her, Mom, merely voicing my opinion. That’s still allowed in America, isn’t it?”

“Don’t be a smartass, Oliver, it’s not very becoming.” If I closed my eyes, I could almost see the look of disappointment on her face. “What’s this I hear about a bet? You’re not gambling, I hope.”

“Not gambling the way Dad did,” I assured her. “The woman you’re so eager to defend cornered me in The Mayflower and goaded me into making a bad decision.” I recounted the details of the bet while my mother laughed her head off. “So, don’t go feeling too bad for her.”

“I have to meet this woman. What’s her name again?”

“Eva Vargas, and you are not meeting her.” Not ever, if I had anything to say about it. Being too close to a matchmaker was akin to letting a kid loose in the candy store. “When this bet is over, we’ll both get on with our lives.”

“Maybe you’ll become friends, you never know. Maybe she has some nice friends to pair you with if you don’t find a match.”

I frowned. “You think I won’t find a match?” It hadn’t occurred to me that my own mother also thought I was unlovable.

“It’s not that, but you’ve made a whole career out of avoiding falling in love—a pretty public career, at that. Not many women are willing to take that kind of a risk.”

An alarm sounded on my phone, reminding me that I had plans with Ricky. “I’m just going to try it, Mom, I’m not actually looking for a wife.”

“That’s too bad. Hopefully Sierra will give me grandchildren soon. Really soon.” There was that motherly guilt I was waiting for.

“Look, Mom, I’m sure Sierra will get started on grandchildren really soon, but I have to go. I promised Ricky we’d hang out today.”