“Taking you to bed this time,” he says, and sets me on top of a king-sized bed. I scoot up to the headboard, and he leans over me, one hand on the wood by my head. “And keeping you naked so you can’t run away. You’re here. Your clothes are not.”
“Unfair play,” I chide, but I’m secretly more than a little pleased by his actions, by how much he really does seem to want me to stay.
“I prefer strategic planning,” he replies. “I know what I want, and that’s you, baby.” He winks and pushes off the headboard. “I’ll be right back.” He walks toward the bathroom in all his naked perfection, and I’m not shy about admiring his muscled backside. Ah, yes, please. It’sabout the most perfect male butt I’ve ever seen. Not that I’ve seen a lot, but I can’t imagine they get better than his.
I pull my knees to my chest and contemplate how I’ve gotten here. One night in Hawaii that should have been just that—one night. And now here we are, naked in New York City, and soon, in Paris. My gosh, am I really doing this? Am I going to Paris? I think I am. No.I am.I’m doing it.
Ethan returns and heads straight to me, scooting me over and pulling back the cover. “Get under, baby.”
I do as he wants, and then I’m amazingly under super soft sheets with him beside me, folding me onto his chest. “Still worried about the morning after?”
I smile and glance up at him. “Still? Did I tell you I was worried about the morning after?”
“In all kinds of ways, so let’s just plan it out now. Are you a breakfast person?”
“The most important meal of the day,” I say, settling my hand on his chest and my chin on top.
“Good. I talked to the attorney I told you about. She can see you at ten. There’s a great spot near her office.”
“Sounds wonderful. Thank you for lining that up.”
“Then let’s get some rest. We need to get up early.” He reaches over and flips out the light and then rolls me to my side, away from him, and wraps himself around me. It’s as surreal as it gets.
Seconds tick by before he says, “I don’t let people into my life or my bed, Sofia.”
I stiffen, not sure what he’s saying, but already sure I should have bolted after all. That is, until he adds, “But somehow, I want you here. I’m glad you’re here.”
I’m stunned at this confession and relax into him, my hand settling on his hand on my belly, as I whisper, “I’m glad I’m here, too.” And with that, I allow my lashes to lower as slumber overtakes me.
I wake to a beam of sunlight and a sense of being out of sorts. I sit up straight, and my gaze jerks around the empty bed and then the equally empty room. Ethan walks out of a closet in sweatpants and a T-shirt, his dark hair rumpled in sexy disarray, a shadow on his jaw, and I’m instantly alert and on edge. “What is happening?”
“Relax, baby. I’m going to sneak down to the gym. It’s early.” He steps to the side of the bed as he adds, “I was going to let you sleep.”
“I want to go. I always run in the mornings and I need to work off the pasta and cake.” I throw off the covers and hurry out of the bed, without thinking the decision through. I’m naked. He’s not.
He doesn’t seem to mind. He folds me to him, and somehow his body has become my shelter. “Come with me, then,” he approves. “We’ll workout, shower, and then head to breakfast.”
He leans in to kiss me, and I hold my hand over his mouth. “Oh no. Pasta and cake, and no toothbrush. And no clothes. Can you get them for me?”
His eyes light with mischief. “You don’t want to walk to the living room with no clothes on for my enjoyment?”
“No. I do not. Please, will you get my clothes?”
“Well, since you said please.” He leans in and kisses me anyway. “I’ll be right back. Stay here,” he teases, as if I would follow.
I climb back under the blankets. When he returns, I grab my top first. “I’ll just run to my room and change and meet you in the gym.”
“Pack your things when you’re there, and I’ll have the bellman bring your things here. I want you to stay with me tonight. If you want to?”
If I want to…
I’m pleased by the question for all kinds of reasons. Obviously, I want to know this man, and morning light has not changed that. ButI also like that he can be all about control with sex—bend here, hold your hands there, I’m going to spank you, Sofia—but now he’s asking what I want. Now he’s giving me control. And now that it’s mine, my decision is easy. “I’d like that very much. Yes. I’ll pack my things.”
Approval lights his eyes and, I think, relief too? Did he think I’d say no? How can this amazing man believe I’d reject him? It’s in this moment I’m reminded he’s human. The world places him on a pedestal where they line up beneath and want things from him. That must be a lonely place to sit. More than ever, I want him to know I’m not here for what he can give me. I’m here because of what he makes me feel. And I’m not sure how to do that.
But I’m going to figure it out.
Chapter Thirty-Five