There’s a knock on the door. “That will be dessert.”

I manage a small laugh and say, “You are always feeding me.”

He leans in and kisses me. “I’m not even close to done, either. Wait until we get to Paris.” He sets my legs from his lap and stands up, heading toward the door.

He’s not even close to done?

Wait until we get to Paris?

I’m so confused. Am I his weekend fling? I don’t like this idea, but he doesn’t make me feel like that at all. I’m thinking too hard. And so, what if it’s a fling anyway? This is sex. We’ll just have more sex and eat more food, all while I start an amazing new career. I need to keep my head in the right place.

I rotate to watch him, his half-naked torso offering a view of his perfectly ripped shoulders, and decide there is plenty to enjoy with this man. I need to stop reading into everything. I’m living an adventure and a dream all at once.

Ethan rolls a cart into the room, and shuts the door, smiling as he finds me watching him, my cheeks heating with the realization I’ve been busted, but I’m not sorry, either.This is an adventure, I repeat in my head. Shy and inhibited isn’t the way to live a fling with this man.

I stand to join him at the table, and he waves me off. “Stay there. I’ll bring it all over.”

“I’ll help,” I say, and between the two of us, we settle a total of five desserts, silverware, coffee pot, and cups in front of us.

Ethan lifts all the silver lids, and my eyes are wide with all the treats. “You really know how to over-order, but it’s amazing.” I glance over at him. “Thank you. You always make everything so incredible.”

“That’s the idea,” he says, and again, I notice the warmth in his eyes, so unlike the way he looked at me in the conferenceroom, and I don’t ever want to feel the chill of this man’s distrust ever again. He offers me a fork. “What are you going to try first?”

“The chocolate cake, for sure.” I dig in and moan my approval.

His expression is pure mischief when he says, “If you keep making sounds like that, you’ll be my dessert.”

I’m not sure if I’m supposed to object to that, because I do not. I simply smile and watch him take his own taste of the cake and manage a sound of approval of his own. “Almost as good as you,” he teases, “but not quite.”

I laugh at his silly flirtation, remarkably comfortable with the exchange when I’m really quite shy and not skilled in the art of such exchanges at all. But there’s a comfort level between us, an easy rapport that I like very much. I like him, very much, too much.

“I thought I’d never see you again,” he says as we keep sampling, “but I didn’t look you up.”


“No. I was pissed you walked out on me.”

“I’d say you could pay me back in the morning, but I’m in your room.”

He takes my fork and sets it down, and a moment later, I’m on my back on the couch, the sash to my robe open and him on top of me. “I’m going to have to give you a reason not to walk out on me again.” His lips brush mine, and then he slides lower and licks my nipple. I suck in a breath with the spiral of sensations he’s creating, and he’s watching me, his stare hot, not warm, as he asks, “How am I doing so far?”

Chapter Thirty-Two

“Iseem to rememberpromising to kiss every inch of you,” Ethan murmurs, flicking my nipple with his tongue again. “You left before I ever got the chance.” His hands slide up and down my waist, caressing me into a state of utter arousal as if the lick of my nipple was not enough.

He leans in and brushes his lips over mine. “I never make a promise I don’t keep.Remember that.”

For reasons I can’t explain, at least not when my mind is numb with pleasure and promise, I think those words are not about sex, at least not wholly, but for now, I only have the capability of processing this moment. My fingers tease the soft, dark strands of his hair, and I whisper, “Never?”

“Never, baby.” His lips brush over mine, my breasts in his hands, the feel of his big, strong body over mine—something I will likely never forget. He makes me feel like a woman—not that I don’t always feel like a woman, but in a way I neverimagined possible.

He then proceeds to do exactly what he has promised, and presses his lips to my neck, my shoulder, my nipple. My arm.My belly.“I wonder if you taste as good as you feel.”

My lashes lower, and the heat in my body is almost suffocating, and yet it is the most delicious heat I’ve ever felt in my life. “Look at me, Sofia,” he orders, and he is just so about commands, and I don’t seem to ever care.

Yet it is laborious to comply. My lashes flutter and lift; the punch of energy when I meet his piercing blue stare is what I can only call sensational. And only then does he ease downward, his mouth lingering over the most intimate part of my body, his breath a hot tease over my clit. I arch my back, my breasts thrusting into the air, his tongue licking me, his mouth suckling me.

I’m panting when he drags my leg over his shoulder, and when his fingers enter me, stretching me, exploring me, I’m lost in pleasure, his mouth…his amazing mouth is everything, and I’m not ready for the moment that comes too soon. I tremble all over and lose everything but how damn good it feels.