“What the hell are you talking about!” Her eyes shined with unshed tears. “That wasn’t the first time you saw me! You’ve known me for years!”

“I know,” I groaned. “And you have no idea how much that’s killed me! Knowing you were right under my nose, in my childhood home, alone and unprotected!”

“I wasn’t alone.”

“I know. Thankfully, my mom and sisters were there. Fucking hell, Libby! You think I deserve you? I don’t.”


“I love you, Libby, and I fucking knew it. You are different than anyone I have ever met.”


“I love you. I know it’s a lot and I’m laying this out now, but?—"

“You wanted to get caught,” she surmised, and everything inside of me stilled. Her eyes stared back at me intensely, almost daring me to lie.

But I wasn’t going to.

I’d never lie to her.

“I don’t want to hide this side of me.” She glanced away. “I can’t keep it up. I don’t like keeping things from you. For my own sanity and yours, especially as the summer ends and the course load we are both taking this semester and football…” I paused. “I needed you to know.”

“That’s how you figured out the shampoo and conditioner I use?” The tips of her fingers drew random doodles on my chest.

“Yes,” I rasped. She pressed her lips together.

“You followed me to the dining hall? On purpose?” I nodded.


“Were the machines really broken in the building and free at the one in yours?”

“No and no. I put credits in each one to make sure whatever one you used would work,” I confessed.

“You made Greg hire you and schedule us together.”


“How?” My jaw clenched.

“I promised him great seats to the games this season.”

“The ones you used to give?—"

“My abuelo,” I interrupted and cleared my throat. “My mom and Gris and Blanca won’t go. They went unused last year.”

“He just agreed, just like that? For some tickets?”

“No.” I swallowed, having to admit to yet another transgression. “I had to promise him that no matter what, I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“Hurt me? Why? Why would he care about that?” Her eyes widened, and if I weren’t so fucking nervous about losing her, I would have thought it was adorable.

“Babe, he had a crush on you. But he sat on his ass waiting to make a move, and thank fuck he did. I told him he needed to keep his hands to himself because you were mine.”

“Just like that? Without us going on a date or?—“

“Just like that,” I confirmed. “I told you,” I rasped. “I saw you that day at the end of the school year. I got there pissed my mom was trying to play matchmaker and meddling in my business. But when I saw you? And our eyes connected?” I took her hand and made it rest right over my heart. “I felt it right here.” My cock chose that very moment to twitch against her, and she rolled her eyes.