“I don’t want to but?—“

“You always had a crush on him,” she stated like it was fact and not her taking a stab in the dark. She knew how badly I’d crushed on him when we were younger. Why I made it a point to stay away when he came home from school. I felt my face redden.

“There is nothing wrong with hanging out with Crank, Lib. I mean, he’s kinda boring but?—“

“He’s not,” I quickly defended. “Hector is sweet and really funny. And thoughtful in ways I didn’t know anyone could be.”

“Hector, huh?” Her lips twitched, but I ignored it.

“What did you mean, I am wearing his shirt?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

“Babe, our last name is on your back?”

“It is?” My eyes widened.

“Didn’t you know?” I dropped the phone and pulled on the shirt to see what she was talking about. Sure enough, right on the back, across my shoulders, it said DOMINGUEZ, his number right dead center. I picked up the phone and stared at my best friend, who had the widest smile on her face I had ever seen.

“Did you two?” She wagged her brows up and down vivaciously.

“No!” I squeaked.

“But you kissed him?” she guessed. Panic started to roll through my veins.

“Hey.” Her voice softened. “What’s with that look?”

“Are you mad?” I asked, and her eyes widened with horror.

“No! Why would I be mad? If you two get together and get married, you’d be my actual sister.” She laughed. I breathed in slowly and exhaled slower.

“You sure you’re not upset?”

“I mean, I wish you had told me you two are dating––“

“We’re not! I mean, he kissed me, but that was last night, and that was the first time.”

“Oh.” She blinked. “Really?”

“Yeah, why?”

“He called,” she repeated, and I nodded.

“Why?” I asked, curiosity getting the better of me. She rolled her eyes and smirked.

“He asked me to call you and help you figure out an outfit for a party.” Something inside me softened. It was like he wasn’t tearing down the walls I’d built around me, he had softened them up so they’d crumble all on their own with the thoughtful things he was doing. Actions speak louder than words.

“Wait, so, let me get this right. You two aren’t dating, but you’re going to a party together?”

“I mean, his roommates are going to be there, too.”

“Are they?” Her lips twitched. “And you met them?”

“Yeah, why? Haven’t you?”

“Nope.” The ‘p’ popped. “This is interesting,” she noted. Knowing Blanca for as long as I had, I could see the wheels in her head turning, which, depending on her mood, could be for good or evil.


“Babe! Crank has never had a girlfriend. Much less gone on a date or have his girlfriend meet his friends!”