Quickly, I hurried to her side, and this time when I opened her door and extended my hand, I made sure not to let it go when she got out. Nope. I kept her hand in mine as I led her to my dorm. Being in the athletic building, I shared an apartment-style space with three other guys. One was Dylan, the cornerback for the football team, and the other two were baseball players who had transferred from back east. We’d roomed together last semester, and they seemed alright, not that we got to know one another all that well.
“Hungry?” I asked the moment we stepped in. I kicked off my shoes and quietly watched as she did the same.
There was something about the sight of her small worn-in sneakers, shoes that had most definitely seen better days, next to mine that made me feel all warm and fuzzy.What the hell has she done to me?I was a big bad scary football player. I didn’t do warm and fuzzy.
Until her.
“Hector,” she started to say, but I shot her a look that obviously made her rethink whatever she was going to say. “Not really,” she answered, like I knew she would. My girl never wanted to put someone out. I nodded but pulled her into the kitchen anyways. Before I could let her think too long, I simply let my hands fall to her waist and lifted her up onto the counter. She gasped.
“What are you doing?” she quietly squeaked. Probably because she knew I had roommates and didn’t want to wake anyone up.
“We gotta eat.”
“I should go home and sleep,” she argued. A small part of me, what little sane part of me I had left, wanted to give in.No. Mine,a voice growled in my head. She was finally in my place, and I’d be damned if I let her slip through my fingers.
“And then call me with some excuse about why you can’t hang with me? I don’t think so, princess. Not when I know you finally have a couple of days off.”
“Princess?” she repeated, catching my slip of the tongue. It’s what I have been calling her in my head these last couple of weeks. I quickly changed the subject.
“Do you want your eggs scrambled or over easy?” She opened and then shut her mouth. I knew the exact moment she was going to give in to me, and I ignored the way my cock throbbed as the fucker strained to get closer to her.
“Scrambled, please,” she answered politely. I nodded and got to work. I cooked while I asked her a little bit about the class she was taking online and then a little bit about the classes she had set up for fall semester.
“You excited for the new school year?” I asked when I handed her a plate of scrambled eggs, avocado toast, and cut-up fruit.
“Yeah, I think so. How about you? You added another year.”
“It will be worth it.” I shrugged.
“When do you start practicing, or adding more practices, I guess I should say.” My lips twitched. I liked that she knew I was still working out with some of the team that was still on campus.
Hell, I had to add an extra workout just to get my body in check with how badly I wanted her. I had needed to do something to release the pent-up frustration when jerking off had stopped taking the edge off.
“Three weeks,” I shared. I ate standing in front of her. I didn’t taste a fucking thing as I watched her munch away and moan after she took a bite of her toast. Pleasure covered her face as it tipped up slightly, her eyes shut like she was soaking in every flavor before she did the cutest, most adorable thing. She did this little dance I wasn’t sure she was aware of doing.
“You make the best avocado toast,” she complimented, and what happened next was like an assault to each and every one of my already hyperaware senses. Her head righted and her frames, which were too big for her face, slid down her nose. Libby’s eyes opened, and before she could push her glasses up, her gaze connected with mine.
I wanted to kiss her something fierce.
Her eyes dropped to my lips, and I knew she wanted the same by the way her stare turned hazy. Without saying a word and ignoring the small sliver of the sane part of me, I took her almost empty plate from her hand and set it down on the counter next to mine.
With my free hand I cupped her face. The pad of my thumb stroked the side of her face. Libby didn’t push me away like I had almost expected her to. Nope. My girl’s eyes fluttered shut and she leaned into my touch. A look of euphoria washed over her face almost like she was trying to soak in every moment, like she was starved for touch as much as I was hungry to touch her. When her eyes opened again and I started to lean in, a door opened and shut, and the two of us stilled.
“You’re home early!” Dylan said, and I turned to look at him. It was obvious he hadn’t noticed I had company with the way he was walking toward me. His steps faltered and his eyes opened wide. “Oh! Uhh?—“.
“Dyl, meet Lib. Lib, that’s Dylan.”
“Macabee,” Libby finished saying, making my head turn with a frown.
“How do you know his last name?” I asked with a scowl on my face.
“I watch your games,” she shared with a shrug. Before I could say a word, I lost her eyes, and she waved at him from over my shoulder. “Nice to meet you,” she said politely. It wasn’t like she was flirting. It was the same tone she spoke to customers with at the diner. But jealousy was a wicked bedfellow. It reared its ugly head inside of me.
“Nice meeting you, too.” Dylan’s lips twitched when his eyes found mine. “So, you making breakfast?”
“Nope.” The ‘p’ popped loudly. “We’re done.” I stepped back from Libby and lifted her off the counter. But what I didn’t do was put her down. Nope. Her legs had no choice but to wrap themselves around my waist.
Ignoring my teammate, I hurried us to my bedroom.