His hands strong as they held my face. One dragged down and wrapped around my neck, and I melted into him. My mouth parted, and he didn’t hesitate to plunder it with his tongue. It swept in and out, sliding against mine. His taste blossomed, and I moaned. He swallowed the sound, pulled my lower lip into his mouth and sucked on it to the point of slight pain. When he let it go with a pop, I breathed in deep and whimpered when his mouth didn’t find mine again.
“Fuck,” he cursed, and my back hit the wall again. This time with a little less gentleness than just a moment earlier. When I looked down to see what he was doing, I let my head restagainst the wall. His hands frantically worked the waistband of the sleeping shorts I had changed into after work. Pulling them down, he growled.
“No panties?” he asked the moment our eyes connected. I shook my head before my eyes shut as I focused on every sound and breath he took. “Such a fucking good girl, aren’t you. My good bad girl.” His hands gripped my hips.
“Open,” he ordered, and I did. Not a second later, I felt his tongue on me. My mouth opened, but not a sound came out. Not anything like the ones he made. The man was good. I’d known he would be, but I had no idea how good. Nothing could have prepared me for the way he ate me. The way it felt. Like he was drawing more pleasure out of it than what he was giving. He brought my knee up and over his shoulder, hiking me a little higher on the wall.
“Oh god,” I squeaked.
“Be good for me, Carmen,” he warned.
“Fuck,” I cursed.
My hips started to work against his tongue, and when his finger dipped inside of me, I cried out his name. Every sound and breath seemed to break his control. When I glanced down, I noticed in my lust-drunk haze that his dick was out. Red and mottled, almost angry-looking. I was lost in my own moment, but even then, just the sight of him made me wetter. The way he held his thick, heavy length in his big hand was erotic. He was playing with himself.
So needy he couldn’t wait.
There was something so hot about that, my hands itched to touch him, but in the position we were in, it wasn’t possible. But the sight of him? Drunk on lust and need, having to find that release while he ate me? That edged me closer to my orgasm. I was close. So close I could taste it. He was so hot. Big and strongand manly. That big hand wrapped around his thick beautiful dick was a sight to behold.
“Andres,” I hissed. He groaned with pleasure. “Oh god! Sir, I’m— I’m— I’m—“ I started to pant. I couldn’t string the words together. Not when a finger skimmed my other hole and pressed on it. He didn’t penetrate my ass, but the tease of it was enough for me. My body buckled before I could even let him know and bright lights shot behind my eyes. Wetness gushed as relief and ecstasy flowed through me, leaving me a shaky, weak-in-the-knees mess that was holding on to Andres’ hair for dear life.
“Oh.” I licked my lips, letting the grip I had on his tresses soften.
I stroked his scalp, and when our eyes connected, his tongue swiped at my oversensitive clit. And then again and again. I didn’t know it was possible in real life. Sure, I’d read about multiple orgasms in books or had seen it in movies and had always assumed it was a fantasy. But right then and there, Andres showed me it was more than possible.
Before I knew it, I was tumbling over the crest of bliss again, and this time when I reached it, all against the wall in front of my bedroom, I felt his warm release splash on my thighs. He rested his forehead against my abdomen while we caught our breath. I couldn’t stop touching him. Stroking his hair and shoulder. When he pulled back and our eyes connected, I didn’t have to worry about what he thought about me sneaking into his place and about what I’d done. By the look on his face and everything we’d just done, it seemed he was more than okay with it.
It should have raised a red flag.
What kind of man would be okay with a woman creeping around and lurking in his space without his permission? But in the haze of the passionate bubble we’d just came up for air from, I didn’t overthink. Especially not when he rose to his feet andwithout a word lifted me into his arms like a groom would with his new bride and kicked my bedroom door open.
When he crossed the threshold of my bedroom, I knew what was going to happen.
I wasn’t nervous or scared.
I was excited.
And I genuinely couldn’t wait to see what Andres was about to do next.
I’d skipped goand said fuck collecting two hundred dollars and just went to claim my prize.
I was like an animal who’d been caged for too long.
All my self-control and planning had gone to hell. I might have come on the spot she had in my bed, and then again while going down on her, but fuck if the monster between my legs would calm the fuck down. I had no idea where the stamina was coming from. I was fucking forty, for gods’ sake, not some young twenty-something. But then again, I hadn’t been with her yet. This was all because of Carmen. My colorful little bookworm had woken this thing inside me, this need, and fuck me, I wasn’t complaining.
With her taste lingering in my mouth, I carried her into her bedroom. My sole focus was on finding the nearest flat surface I could take her on.Claim. Mark. Take.The words played on repeat in my head.Claim. Mark. Take.
“Tell me now if you don’t want this, Carmen,” I ordered like a fucking dick. I didn’t have it in me in that moment to be graceful or charming. Fuck the gentleman she’d always have. In that moment, she was dealing with the wild animal she had brought to life.
“I want this,” she gasped.
“You sure?” My lips were hovering over hers. “I take you now, there is no going back. Not now, not ever. Do you understand me?” I warned.
I was a fucking bastard.