I followed since I assumed that’s what she wanted, my brows dipped into a frown. “Late for what, exactly?” She’d given me less than no information about why I was here at nine in the morning.

Olive turned, her own dark brows scrunched into a frown that was aimed squarely at me. “My doctor’s appointment. I thought you might want to go.” Her green gaze narrowed. “Why are you here, then?”

I knew I had to be careful here because those pregnancy books talked all about mood swings and emotional outbursts. “You sent me a message to meet at your house at nine this morning. No reason.” But now that I knew the reason, I couldn’t help but smile.

Especially when her cheeks turned a bright shade of red that matched the flush staining her chest and neck. “Oh sorry,” she said and rolled her eyes with a self-deprecating smile. Did you want to come to stuff like this? You said you wanted to be involved and I just assumed it included things like this, but I can totally do it on my own.” Olive was flustered and it was a nice change in our relationship. “I didn’t realize I hadn’t given you details,” she said and her voice grew quiet and then I heard the sniffles.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. When it came to female emotions, I was no different than any other red blooded American man, they brought me to my knees. But I knew better than to speak and piss her off further, so I went to Olive and wrapped my arms around her, holding her and rubbing her back while she cried quietly against my chest. “Ah, Olive.”

“Stupid pregnancy hormones,” she grumbled and stepped out my embrace. She turned away, embarrassed and disappeared up the stairs where she stayed for about ten minutes, which gave me plenty of time to look around her place. Again. It was neat and stylish, just like the woman, with splashes of bright colors or bursts of extravagance, like those ridiculous but sexy shoes she favored. “Okay, I’m ready.”

I turned at the sound of her voice and felt like a guy watching his prom date come down the stairs for the first time. She wore a light purple dress that hugged her waist, drew the eye to her cleavage and brushed her legs in a teasing manner that had my hands itching to slide up and down the length of them. “You look good. Did your boobs get bigger?”

Olive froze at my question and I waited for her to yell at me, possibly kick me out of her home and uninvite me to the doctor’s appointment but instead she looked down and then back up at me with a frown. “Yes. It’s quite annoying.”

“Not from where I’m looking.” Not that she needed any extra help in the boob department but damn, it was a beautiful sight.

Her head fell back and she laughed, shaking her head. “You really are incorrigible.”

“I prefer honest. If it helps you look very pretty too.” That earned me another of those blushes I was slowly growing addicted to.

“Thank you, Liam. Come on or we’ll be late.” She walked to the door and shoved her feet in a pair of feminine looking leather flats.

“I’ll drive and you can just relax before the doctor does…doctor things.”

Olive laughed and locked the door. We walked down the steps side by side and my hand slid to her lower back automatically. “Doctor things? You do know how babies are made, don’t you sailor?”

My glare drew a laugh from her. “Obviously, but I don’t know what doctors do at every visit, at least not yet. The books haven’t gotten that far yet.”

She turned to me with a shocked expression on her face. “Books?”

“Yeah, so I know what’s going on with you. And the baby.” She looked at mee like I’d grown two heads and told her I’d been watching through her windows every night. “What? Is that weird?” I didn’t wait for an answer because I didn’t want to hear her tell me what a disappointment I was as a dad so far, so I backed out of the driveway and headed towards the only baby doctors in town.

At the first stop sign, Olive put a hand on my thigh and gave it a squeeze until I looked over and found big green eyes on me. “It’s not weird but definitely unexpected.” Her voice came out soft and sweet, like she was touched by the gesture. “And sweet.”

I groaned and the sweet sound of her laughter pulled my lips into an answering grin. “Not sweet. Anything but that.”

“There are worse things a guy can be than sweet, Liam. Imagine if this baby is a little girl, don’t you want her to know sweet guys exist?”

“Hell no,” I growled. “I want her to think no men exist in this world until she’s thirty. Make it thirty-five.”