Page 69 of Crown and Dragon

Tahlia remembered a bit about that story, about how the Witch had hidden the young queen from her father, who at thetime had been king. That tale was tied into the one about how Queen Revna had met King Lysanael.

“I did so to protect souls that the former king had in his grip. That situation had changed and your Druid tested the truth of my heart. You recall that day, I’m certain, King Lysanael.”

“I do. I wish our Druid was here to mediate.”

The great Fae magician was very ill, or so the gossip said. He had once helped the Realm of Lights with many great tasks.

The queen clasped her hands in front of her. A large seal ring on her thumb reflected the light of the scones on the walls. “Well, I trust the Witch, and Durniad is dead, so what does it matter?”

“I suppose it doesn’t,” the king said quietly. “I offer my apologies, Witch, for questioning your loyalty to your queen.”

“Thank you.” The Witch watched the king with her haunted eyes. Could she truly see in the way those with normal eyes did?

“As for the Eelsmen,” Marius said, watching the rulers as if he wasn’t certain he was permitted to speak, “they likely have every criminal on every coastline at least halfway in their gold-heavy pockets, so that’s nothing shocking.”

Everyone agreed, and the Witch stepped forward. “If you are prepared to travel, I will meet you at Dragon Tail Peak in two days’ time.”

Would Ragewing take the Witch on his back too?

The Witch’s head turned toward Tahlia, and Tahlia swallowed.

“I will travel by way of a portal created only for my body,” the Witch said.

“Ah, magic. Of course,” Tahlia said, then she buttoned her lip. She hadn’t meant to speak that out loud.

The young queen grinned at Tahlia. Tahlia rolled her eyes at herself, which made the queen laugh out loud.

Tahlia wished she could tell Lija that they would be home soon, and the Witch would be showing up in some surely fantastic manner forthwith.

The mission was finally over. Hopefully, Lija would be flying within the next few days.



“Huzzah!” The hall echoed with the Mist Knights’ cheers, the staff’s praise, and the roar of the dragons gathered in the courtyard outside the open doors.

On the dais at the front of the hall, Fara and the two others who had tested alongside her raised the scrolls that named them official Healers of the Peak. Seated on one of the benches at the long, food-heavy tables, Tahlia shouted so ferociously that her throat burned. She didn’t care. She couldn’t have been happier.

Lady Fara looks five feet taller,Lija said into Tahlia’s mind.

Tahlia turned on the bench to see Lija peering through the right-side doorway.She does!Do you want one of these?Tahlia lifted a pink crystal cake and wiggled it.

You know that I do, rider.

Tahlia chuckled. She jogged over to meet the dragon at the door. She held out the cake and Lija basically inhaled the sweet treat.

Marius stood beside Fara and Albus on the dais, his hands raised to quiet the chaos. “All right. That’s enough. Now, eat the food you’ve been given and let’s enjoy our pre-pirate raid rest period.”

The crowd erupted in cheers once more. Plates and cups banged and clanked around the hall as toasts were made. Platters of rosemary roasted venison, pitchers of crystal wine, and deep bowls of noodles with cream sauce were passed from person to person.

Tahlia gave Lija a quick scratch under the chin, then returned to the benches to meet Fara for dining. Atticus was already there, as well as Enora and Justus. They toasted Fara again, also praising Tahlia for her secret mission work. Jokes were told, flirting commenced, and fun was had all around.

Fara gripped Tahlia’s hand tightly. Her eyes shone with unshed tears. “Thank you for finishing up that secret mission nonsense and getting back here in time.”

“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.”

“Unless you had contracted an ague or even the plague.” Fara’s face fell. “I forgot to ask. You did avoid drinking that human water, right?”