So he had noticed. Hmm. He didn’t attempt to disarm her, so she decided to move the conversation for the moment.
“How are you going to get the crown back?” she asked. “Or do you not really need it?”
His face flushed, and the vein practically waved at Tahlia.Ew.
“I will make a plan to retrieve the crown from that monster as soon I as receive word from my allies. Tell me where he will takethe crown and I’ll see to it that you have free time every day to walk wherever you please.”
“I assume he’ll destroy the crown the moment he is able.”
Some of Durniad’s bravado slipped as his eyes bugged out. “What?”
“He’s not like you.”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugged, her heart beating quickly now. “He’s not attempting to be a god.”
“Then he’s a fool.”
“Who are your allies?” Steeling herself for what was about to happen, she worked to even her breathing.
Durniad drew his fingertips along Tahlia’s collarbone. She fought the urge to puke the wine he’d given her right back at him. Maybe later.
“Well, Alanna, my allies are many. First, we have the Witch. Ah, I see you know of her. Of course you do. Yes, she is on my payroll. The Eelsmen are another ally in my pocket.”
Tahlia swallowed a bitter taste on the back of her tongue. The Eelsmen were a group of northern pirates known for the way they used prisoners as bait for the midsized kraken they caught for prize money.
“I also have a group of wild Fae working for me in your Fae king’s forest. They’re just there to stir up trouble and cause distractions.”
“I have bad news for you on that one.”
He frowned and ran a finger down her arm, toward the hand holding the knife. “Explain.”
Tahlia grimaced. “Unfortunately, we set them all on fire.”
“You did what?”
“With our dragons. You do remember the dragon element to this whole equation, right?”
His face went purple, and his hands went for her throat. Bracing her feet firmly on the floor for balance, she jabbed the knife between his ribs. He dropped to the floor, gasping and yanking on her dress.
He tried to yell, but she had nipped him in the lung. “Guards! Please…”
“My name is Tahlia, you prickbrain,” she said as she flipped the knife and dragged it across his throat.
The door burst open, and five guards spilled in. Tahlia turned and ran for the windows, wishing she wasn’t wearing a damn dress even though it was actually very pretty.
One thought spun through her mind as she balled up the skirt of her dress and punched through the window glass. She’d killed yet another person and she was totally fine with it. She climbed out the window while the guards shouted and followed. Well, that bastard deserved death as much as the pillaging thieves in the Gwerhune and Ophelia had, and she wasn’t about to waste any energy on being upset about spilling his blood.
Chapter 32
Marius glanced at Queen Revna and Arkyn. The evening fog swirled around the black dragon’s wings and the tiled roofs they flew over.
I realize we are unseen, but can they not hear us, rider?
Ragewing tipped to the right to avoid clipping a pointed tower that appeared to have some ritual purpose. The humans were gathering at its base with candles and were singing in a melody that brought to mind promises and the length of a life.