“Ah, yes. I forgot you don’t restrict your arseholery to land-based situations.”
“Such a naughty tongue.”
“Please don’t make a disgusting joke. That’s such a droll, villain thing to do. Be more creative.”
The madman’s shoulders shook as he laughed. “I’ll have to sharpen my wit for you, my dearest.”
“Well, listen. This has been fun, but I have things to do and places to be.”
Tahlia dropped her weight. The guards grunted and their holds on her arms loosened. She slammed her elbow into one guard’s groin and spun to knee the other’s stones. Whirling, she lunged away from them and the three who had been walking behind them. She smashed into the smaller of the three, sending him into the taller two, and then she was running.
Down the road. Through the guards beating the hells out of the crowd. Around a cluster of angry men and women brandishing kitchen cutlery at Durniad’s men.
“Keep that up!” she shouted, trying to encourage them. “I’ll come back with a dragon or two and help you out!”
They cheered her as she climbed a downspout and headed for the rooftops. The sun blazed onto her head as she jumped from building to building. Shouting erupted from the streets she leapt over. More guards. The city walls were only three roofs away. She could do this. She’d climb down the walls, fight whom she had to, then run into the forest and find Marius and Ragewing. Unless they found her first, which would be even better because that would mean Ragewing was patched up enough to fly themto the Witch’s house to deliver the crown and end this wild mission.
With the last big jump, Tahlia landed on the city’s three-Fae-wide protective wall. She smiled, hope making her feel like she could best ten of these guards with one hand tied behind her back.
Twisting, she fell from the wall and darkness swept over her before she could see what had struck her.
Chapter 28
Ragewing growled as Marius knotted up the sad excuse for a bandage on the top of the dragon’s wound. He’d been forced to use the bottom half of his trousers and part of the leather strap that usually stretched over Ragewing’s shoulders as an additional part of his rein system.
Not so tight,Ragewing hissed inside Marius’s head.
It must be so you can fly back and not risk bleeding out.
Rider, I can’t fly into Midhampton to rescue Lady Tahlia and you know it. As much as I wish I could, they will have me down and we will only end up giving them more captives.
We must. I’m sorry, but we must. They’ll kill her.Marius’sentire body hummed with pent-up violence. It was unthinkable what that madman might be doing to her. If she’d even survived the fall. No, he couldn’t imagine she wasn’t alive. If he did, he’d go as mad as Durniad.
They won’t.
You don’t know that.
She’s a valued member of the Fae realm. Durniad knows not to risk angering King Lysanael and Queen Revna.
Does he? Because he spends his autumns ravaging the northern coast. His pirate crews have led attacks that we havefought against, Ragewing. He is not cowed by anything even if it would be wise to back down.
This is different. He is greedy. We know that. He will want to use Lady Tahlia’s life to get something from the king and queen. And perhaps from his human high queen as well, if he can work an angle that makes sense.
Marius fisted his hands so tightly that his knuckles cracked.
You’ll break a fang if you grit your teeth like that.
Glaring at the dragon, Marius battled the impotent rage storming inside his heart and soul and mind.
Breathe, rider. Breathe and think. Be cold. Store the anger for later and plot. You can do this. I’m with you.
His mind whirled, panic lancing through his thought processes, jumbling potential plans with random imaginings of ripping Durniad’s head from his body. He closed his eyes and set a hand on Ragewing. The dragon’s side moved steadily in and out as he breathed, and Marius matched the rhythm, inhaling and exhaling slowly.
What do we have to use?Ragewing’s question was quiet and calm.Materials. Allies. Environment.
The crown. Two blades at my belt. Our main contact is likely stuck in the city, but perhaps he’ll be able to do something to help Lady Tahlia. We have your fire if we can get you into the air for at least a little while. The Witch isn’t too far for me to reach on foot if you must rest.