“What’s so alarming?”
Tahlia jumped at Marius’s voice. She looked up to see him studying her face like she was an unexpected roll in a high-stakes game of Tali.
“You’re surprised a note from Fara is unsettling?” Tahlia asked.
Marius snorted. “I suppose not. What are we to watch out for this time? Errant Unseelie gargoyles? Possibly the end of the very world itself?”
“Nothing so exciting as that. A Healer experiment, and a strong warning that human city water is tainted with disease.”
“Actually, that’s a good thing to bring up. Some human cities have water as clean as ours. Others I’ve tried have tasted uncomfortably like feet.”
“So if it smells of feet, go with wine?”
“A sound plan. How many notes did she send with you?”
“Enough for one a day for six days. She claimed we would die without her advice joining us on the journey.”
Marius shrugged. “I’m glad we won’t have to find out. We should be in and out of Midhampton in four days, by my estimation. Come look at this.”
He unrolled a map of Midhampton and held it aloft. Inked rivers, roads, secret passageways, and safe houses showed clearly from edge to edge. Not an inch was empty of scribbles or drawings.
“Here is where we will meet up with Ragewing once we have the crown.” Marius pointed to a clearing that seemed similar in size to this one, although it was far closer to the city. “Inside, we’re to pose as members of the city’s temporary guard.”
“I recall.” He had insisted she read King Lysanael and Queen Revna’s mission scroll five times. She hadn’t complained, but there were moments she wondered if Marius thought she was an idiot. But perhaps that was part of the regular mission process, to go over and over and over the information. The scroll had mentioned Durnaid’s tendency to use elaborate schemes for his own entertainment. The crown would likely be found amidst numerous traps and there was talk of a labyrinth.
“Durniad hires numerous extra bodies to keep the peace during the festival,” Marius said. “We’ll head first to the safe house near Bodwin Bridge to dress the part.”
Marius looked down at her and a wave of longing swept through her. She wanted his body on hers. Was there time before the human with the horses arrived?
He lifted an eyebrow. “I hate to disappoint you, but I’ll not be dressing as a tomato for this mission.”
“Murderer of dreams, that’s what you are.” Besides, he probably didn’t know for sure what the uniforms for temporary guards looked like. He could be wrong.
The corners of his handsome mouth—a mouth she suddenly and immediately wanted all over her—edged up at the corners, making her heart flip. Still holding the map in one hand, hesmoothed a palm along her jaw and down the side of her neck. His storm-gray and slitted irises darkened as he leaned down to kiss her.
His mouth claimed hers, his tongue exploring the underside of her top lip and making her toes curl inside her soft villager boots. His hand slid around the back of her neck and his thumb hooked the front of her throat.
“So possessive,” she whispered as he licked her earlobe.
“Do we have time for this, Commander Marius?”
He only answered with a growl as he burrowed into her neck, nipping and licking lightly. The map fluttered to the ground and he backed her up against a boulder.
Ragewing landed gracefully, his tongue darting across the tip of his snout.
Marius’s eyes shut briefly before he met Tahlia’s eyes. “Sorry.”
Tahlia kissed his delicious jawline. “The mission comes first. I know that.”
He held her hand, and they walked up to Ragewing. Tahlia exhaled, trying to let go of the desire rushing through her blood. She had to focus on the mission and prove to Marius they could do this even though they were mated fully now. She wanted to show everyone that they could be a mated pair and the best Mist Knights on the mountain.
“Good meal, my friend?” Marius asked him, retrieving and rolling up the map.
Ragewing lifted his scarlet head and a low, staccato growl rumbled from his throat.
“He says he saw the human and his horses two miles or so away,” Marius said, looking from Ragewing to Tahlia.
Tahlia let out a sigh and pushed a fisted hand against the knot in her stomach. “Guess it’s finally time to poison ourselves.”