Saying the words aloud was a relief, a weight lifted off my shoulders, but my racing heart knew I couldn’t celebrate, not yet. “So you’re not worried about losing me?”

“Hell yes I am,” I told him on another shaky laugh. “I’m terrified of losing you, Stone. But loving you and being loved by you, right now, feels like it’s worth the risk. These past few weeks have been…more and better than I ever thought romantic relationships could be, more than I ever trusted them to be for any length of time, but you showed me differently. It was you, or maybe it was your love, that gave me the strength and the belief to accept the truth I was trying hard to fight.”

“Say it again,” he demanded, his voice thick with arousal, his brown eyes dark and intense.

I smiled. “I love you Stone. Or do you want to hear that I’m in love with you.”

His lips twitched. “I like both, actually.”

“So it’s not too late? You still love me?” my heart raced in anticipation as I waited for the verdict. I had been brave and bold, and I’d shaken off the chains of the past to get to this moment. Whatever happened, I knew I could handle it. Thanks to this man.

Stone stood and pushed the chair back with his legs before he rounded the table and stood less than a foot away from me. One hand slid through the thick waves that had taken a long time to get thick and shiny and touchable, the other hand held my chin and tilted my face up until our gazes locked. “No Sophie, it’s not too late. I’ve loved you for twenty years and I don’t really see that changing anytime soon.”

“Really?” The word came out on an excited squeal and Stone’s deep laughter covered it, thankfully.

“Yes, really, Soph. You’re my best friend and the woman of my dreams, who else could possibly replace you in my heart?”

Who else, indeed? My smile widened and I leaned forward until our lips touched, the taste of tequila and lime and beer mixed with a special blend of me and Stone that I knew I would never, ever, tire of savoring. I don’t know how long we stood there, kissing in his kitchen, but it felt like an eternity had passed before we pulled apart, breathless and giddy. “You’re not just saying that because I made steak enchiladas?”

Stone threw his head back and laughed as he pulled me close. “Think they’ll keep for an hour or so?” His smile turned dark with arousal and instantly my body responded.

“If not, I’ll happily make more for the man I love.”

“Damn, I love hearing you say that.” His smile was full of love and happiness as it collided with my own mouth in a hot kiss that turned my desire into a raging inferno of need. “But that smell is too tempting to waste.” Stone scooped me in his arms and started towards his bedroom with a sexy smile. “I’ll make it quick,” he said with a satisfied laugh.

“What’s the hurry when we’ve got a lifetime ahead of us?” It was strange how that happened, how suddenly it all seemed crystal clear now, that Stone was my future. Had always been my future and I’d been so blind and so scared, that I almost missed it.

We made it to the bottom of the stairs before Stone had us both naked and halfway to ecstasy. “A lifetime of sex and enchiladas? Sign me up.”

So this is what it was like to be in love and to be truly loved.

It was great.

Five stars.

Highly recommend.THE END