SophieWe made the drive back to Pilgrim in silence. Two and a half hours of deafening silence with a heaping serving of tension and I just wanted to cry. “That festival was great, wasn’t it?”

“Sure.” His words were crisp, sharp and short. Stone made no attempt at actual conversation.

“I should have gotten a souvenir but I was too caught up in…everything.” His response was nothing more than an incoherent grunt that told me things wouldn’t be so easy to smooth over this time around. “Stone, please.”

He spared me half a glance before putting his gaze back where it belonged, on the interstate rather than back roads, because it would get us home sooner. It would get him away from me sooner, and all too soon he came to a stop in my driveway, putting the gearshift in Park to let me know he wouldn’t be staying. Wouldn’t be helping me with my bags.

“Thanks for a great…weekend,” I said when he’d already stepped out and went around the back to retrieve my bags, because of course Stone would help me with my bags. He was a nice guy. A good guy.

A gentleman.

But he was also a man, one I’d hurt with my callous words so he left the bags beside the front door and rushed back to the car, all without a word. The two sides of him were at war with one another, the hurt man who wanted to lash out took a backseat to the gentleman who waited until I was safe inside to drive away.

The moment I was sure I was alone, the tears began to fall. They fell as I dragged my bag to my bedroom and unpacked the evidence of the world’s most perfect weekend.

The sexy lingerie.

The wine stained sweater from laughing too hard over dinner.

More sexy lingerie.

The torn panties because Stone had been ravenous for me.

A snow globe with a replica of the B&B inside, a happy couple kissing blissfully on the sidewalk out front. I didn’t buy it which meant Stone must have and he’d tucked in my luggage to surprise me. Because he loves me.

A loud pounding sounded at the front door and I was on my feet in a flash, hoping it was Stone so I could apologize. “Oh, hey girls.”

Eva looked at Olive and then back at me with a frown on her face. “Well that doesn’t sound like a friend happy to see her girls, does it Olive?”

“Not at all,” she said, gently rubbing at her swollen belly.

“Sorry, you just surprised me. What are you doing here?”

Eva pushed her way inside and nodded for Olive to follow. “You mean why did we show up after calls all weekend went unanswered? Gee, I wonder?”

At her words I took off in search of my phone, wondering what other phone calls I’d neglected while I was busy falling for, and then ruining my chances with my best friend. “Crap, I guess I forgot to charge it,” I called out unnecessarily because when I looked up, Olive and Eva stood in the doorway of my bedroom with raised eyebrows.

“Where were you?”

“With Stone,” I admitted on a wistful sigh that made my lips tremble. Tears stung my eyes again and a sob escaped, and that’s when I knew it was hopeless to keep this secret any longer. “He took me away for the weekend,” I hiccupped. “We’ve. Been. Seeing. Each. Other.”

Eva and Olive gave each other knowing looks and smiled. “I’ll get drinks,” Eva said and disappeared but not before giving Olive a gentle shove towards me.

“And I’ll refrain from telling you I told you so, at least until after you get a cocktail in your hands and tell us everything.”


“Everything,” Eva echoed from the kitchen. I let Olive guide me to the kitchen where Eva had set up a pitcher of Old Fashioned, some leftover cake and fried rice she’d pilfered from the fridge. “I popped a pizza and some pizza bites in the oven because I have a feeling we’re gonna need snacks and drinks for this. Sit and spill.”

I nodded and dropped down in the seat right in front of the pitcher of alcohol, and told them everything about my short lived relationship with Stone. “Things were so great and this weekend, it was right out of a romance movie. Perfect.”

“So how did you screw it up?” Eva’s blunt question should have made me feel worse, but I was used to her and she wasn’t wrong.

“I told him ‘I gave you me, what more do you want?’” I shook my head and hung it in shame. “He’s said about five words to me since, girls. I ruined it and it was only then that I realized how badly I wanted it.”

“It or him?” Olive had pulled the half-eaten cake right in front of her and ate straight from the cake plate. “Because there’s a big difference.”