The reminder of my family was the last thing I needed during what was meant to be a romantic getaway. It only reminded me that connections, no matter how deep rooted, were only as strong as the people involved. So what chance did Stone and I have? I let out a pensive sigh and turned to look out the window.

“What did I say?”

“Nothing,” I assured him. “Just thinking about what means to be a Worthington.”

“It’s just your last name, Soph. Nothing more.” I wasn’t convinced and Stone knew me well enough to know that. “Look at my old man, he abandoned us without a second look back but I don’t think that means anything other than he’s a giant prick.”

“I know.” Logically, I did know that, but it didn’t stop the irrational fear I had of people leaving me and those two words were the last spoken until we pulled up to the three story blue Victorian with a painted quilt sign welcoming us to the Lazy Suzan B&B. “This place is gorgeous!” It was big and grand, with pristine white shutters that even shone in the moonlight, and oversized potted plants filled with gardenias and tulips and lilies.

Inside we were introduced to a couple in their fifties who welcomed us with big smiles despite the late hour. “Welcome to Lazy Suzan B&B! You must be Stone and Sophie?”

“We are,” Stone said with an amused grin.

“Excellent. I’m Bibby and this is my husband, Rod. We own and run the place.”

“It’s a beautiful home,” I told her, my gaze focused on all the original details and the homey decorations that made the place feel welcoming rather than cold and impersonal.

“Thank you, dear. I have you youngsters in the Lover’s Suite and trust me, it is everything it’s cracked up to be.”

“And more,” Rod added with a suggestive smile for his wife. She swatted him playfully and bussed his cheek before swatting his bottom one last time. “I’ll take your bags up while my Bibby gives you the lay of the land.”

“Thanks,” Stone the man and offered to help again but was rebuffed. Again.

Bibby talked a mile a minute, giving so many details, some useful and some just the history of the home, her family or her relationship with Rod, that I knew I wouldn’t remember any of them in the morning. “And here’s your suite. Get unpacked and relaxed while I get your late dinner ready.”

“Oh, that’s not necessary,” I assured her since it was after ten and it seemed all the other guests were in bed already.

“It’s no bother, besides everything is done. All that’s left is to serve two young lovers.” She winked and leaned in with a not too subtle whisper. “You need your energy for the weekend ahead.” And with a playful wink, she left us inside the suite.

Stone turned to me with a wide grin. “You think the shower’s big enough for two?”

My whole body heated at his question and I licked my lips. “Only one way to find out, I suppose.”

His smile widened just a bit. “We have to do our part for the environment,” he said in a mock-serious tone.

“Nothing hotter than a man who cares about preserving the planet.”

“Yeah? Then let me tell you all about my hardcore recycling regimen,” eh said with a laugh and led me into the traditional bathroom with a large clawfoot bathtub and a more modern waterfall showerhead built above it. “Wow, we won’t just fit Soph, we can get acrobatic if we want to.”

I smacked his belly and laughed, walking away before he spotted the blush staining my cheeks at his words. He wasn’t wrong and the thought of what we could, and likely would do in that shower, had my body overheating something fierce. “Acrobatic, huh?” I turned towards the rest of the suite and smiled at the rainbow of flowers in several vases strategically placed in the bedroom, the common area and even the table on the balcony. The place wasn’t just built for romance, it was decorated with romance in mind and I couldn’t help but smile. “You did this.”

“I may have told Bibby what kind of flowers you liked, but that’s it,” he said and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck until I shivered. “I just want you know how much you mean to me Sophie.”

“I know, Stone.”

“I know you know, but I want you know that over the past few weeks, I’m falling more and more in love with you.”

In love with you. Each time he said those words, I felt guilty that I didn’t say them back. That I couldn’t say them back. It was too soon and those words were too important. Of course I loved Stone, he was great and I’d loved him nearly all my life, but being in love was a different beast altogether. Wasn’t it? “Stone.” I sighed and cupped his face, pulling him down for a kiss that I knew would lead to more because it was the perfect distraction at the moment, when I didn’t want to talk about anything serious.