Like being in love.

It was the perfect distraction, one that led to a longer than necessary shower and when I stepped out, my legs were shaky, my skin was pruned and the smile on my face was so big it started to hurt. “They left us a note.” Stone picked up the blue and cream paper with a cheeky grin. “Romantic dinner on the balcony, as promised. Wine chilling in a bucket of ice in the alcove. Enjoy. Bibby & Rod.”

I gasped. “You think they heard us?” That bathroom was gigantic and the acoustics were…impressive.

“Us?” Stone laughed and shook his head. “They definitely heard you, but I think that’s what they expect in the Lover’s Suite,” he teased and let his towel drop to the floor, teasing me with the remnants of his erection.

“Oh it was just me, huh?” Well two could play that game and I took my time moisturizing my skin before slipping into a black lace teddy that left nothing at all to the imagination. “Is this dinner appropriate,” I asked, my voice the definition of innocence.

“Soph,” he growled and took a step forward before stopping to step into a loose fitting pair of checkered cotton pants that, unfortunately, covered evidence of his arousal, but it did give me an excellent, all access view to his magnificent torso. “It’s appropriate for the next thirty minutes. Maybe twenty. After that, all bets are off.”

It was exactly the reaction I was hoping for and I felt my pulse increase as his gaze darkened with desire. “This is great, Stone. Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For always knowing how to make me feel special and worthy of this kind of display.”

Stone walked to me and circled his arms around my waist, holding me close as he tilted my head to face him. “Soph, you are so fucking special to me, I wish you could see you how I saw you. Beautiful and fierce and kind. Smart and dorky and funny. Sexy as hell.”

“Stone,” I sighed and looked away as a lone tear slid down my cheek.

“It’s true Sophie and eventually, I’ll make you see it too. For now though,” he leaned forward and took my mouth in a short, sweet kiss. “Let’s see what’s for dinner.”

“And dessert,” I reminded him as he guided me through the suite and out onto the private balcony that overlooked a moonlit lake.

Stone pulled out my chair and pressed a kiss to the side of my neck when I sat. “I’ve got my eye on a curvy blond for dessert,” he whispered in my ear before taking his seat.

How much longer could I deny what I already knew but was too afraid to name for fear of losing it?

Not much longer. I’d be surprised if I lasted the weekend.Stone“This town is so adorable! I can’t believe I’ve lived in Texas my whole life and never even heard of Blissful, Texas!” Sophie’s brown eyes couldn’t pick one thing to focus on in the small town, from the little shops with colorful awnings, the coordinated flower pots that dotted the main strip of businesses and the wooden sidewalks, she was enamored. “How did you find this place?”

I shrugged and pulled her close as a group of toddlers ran like the wind, laughing and screaming and having a good time. “There’s this little thing called Google, you might have heard of it?”

She laughed and smacked my arm. “Smart ass. Did you know this festival was going on?”

“Nope, it was just a lucky coincidence. And it’s a fair,” I reminded her as did every single person we spoke to in the past hour.

“Yes, that’s right. The Love is in the Air Fair.” Sophie rolled her eyes but she was in heaven, no matter how she tried to hide it. “It’s so kitschy, I love it!”

“I can tell.” She hadn’t stopped smiling since we entered the fairgrounds, which was really just Main Street, decorated and lined with little booths that sold everything love and romance related, plus tons of food. Heart shaped foods, red and pink decorated foods and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate. “You’re so cute when you get all excited about the little things.”

“Thank you, Stone.” She smiled up at me, her lips glistening pink and inviting my kisses. She moaned when our lips touched and I smiled, giving her enough time to slip her tongue between my lips. We kissed like two people in love, right here in the most picturesque spot I could imagine with the woman I wanted more than any other.

“Get a room, you two!”

Sophie froze at the playful words and took a step back, her pale skin flushed hot pink. “Oh my god!”

A deep chuckle erupted out of me, earning a brown eyed glare from Sophie. “What can I say? I seem to have a knack for making you forget yourself.”