I wanted more even as a small voice whispered this was a bad idea. I shoved that voice aside as my hands went to the waistband of his pants, sliding the slipper down and opening the button. An instant later, the soft skin of his cock was in my hand, his cock hard was pulsing in my palm. I stroked quickly and he growled, tearing his mouth from mine just as my thumb slid over the moisture gathered at the head of his cock.

“I’m not the only one wet.”


“Stone.” I pulled him closer and leaned back so I could see as I brought the head of his cock right to my opening and rubbed it up and down the length of my core. “Please,” I begged.

“Sophie, we have to be-“

I didn’t want to talk, not now when we were so close to…everything. I dug the heels of my feet into his hard ass and pushed until he just barely breached my opening. “Yes! Stone, please.” His gaze was dark and intense with a hint of wariness as he plunged deep in one long stroke. “God, yes!”

My head fell back and instantly his mouth was on my neck, kissing and nibbling my throat as he pumped in and out of me, incoherently moaning with every stroke. His rhythm was slow, almost languid as my hips moved against his, silently begging for more.

He was bigger than I realized, but it felt so good. Too good to pay attention to the slight tinge of discomfort that was outweighed by the pleasure that washed over me. “Stone. So good,” I whispered and reached for his mouth again, needing to feel the burn of tequila on his tongue.

The kiss did something to Stone because his movements changed, intensified as his hips moved faster and plunged deeper, sending lightning bolts of pleasure shooting through my entire body. “Soph.” My name was a low growl as his strokes picked up strength and speed, making me gasp with every slide into my pussy until I pushed forward to take more of him. “Oh fuck, Soph.” His big hands grasped my hips and he lost control, pumping hard and fast and deep as my nails dug into his shoulders and my body tightened under the power he’d unleashed.

“Stone, my-,” the last words were lost on a cry of pleasure as orgasm flooded me and all that was left were incoherent moans and cries. His hips kept thrusting wild and full of need as pleasure seeped out of me. All I could do was hold on to him, lick and kiss him as my body floated back own to the surface.

“Oh, fuck, Sophie!” His grunted words were punctuated by a quick jerk of his frame as his own orgasm took control and he collapsed on top of me.

The heaviness and heat of his body were perfect, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, enjoying the way he filled me so deliciously. A small tear escaped, and it scared the hell out of me. I sighed, determined to blink away the display of emotion.

He pulled back, his body jerking with aftershocks, his face wore a satisfied smile that died when he caught sight of my tears. “Sophie, I-,”

I shook my head. “It’s nothing, well it’s not nothing, but-,” I couldn’t explain it to him, because I didn’t understand the tears, or the thundering in my chest. Or the desperate need to hold on to him forever and ever. “I need…a moment.” I pushed at his chest and moaned at the feel of him sliding out of my body.

“Sophie, please don’t-,”

Before he could finish that sentence, I slid off the desk and adjusted my clothes as well as I could before I opened the door to make my escape, tears blurring my vision until minutes later, the cool night air washed over my skin, scorched everywhere Stone had touched.

Stone. My best friend.

My lover?StoneThe drive home from Tulip gave me too much time to think about what happened over the weekend. Sex with Sophie. Not just any kind of sex, but hot and intense sex, almost angry sex. And not with some random woman. Not even with my date for the evening. Nope, sex with my best friend. The woman of my dreams.

The woman who couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

I wanted to be angry, and based on the white knuckled grip I had on the steering wheel, I was a little angry. But I couldn’t be angry with her, not really. Not when she held my heart in her hands even though she clearly didn’t want any part of it.

That’s what prompted the Monday afternoon drive to Tulip to check out the gym space one final time before I made up my mind. I needed distance from the woman and from the memories of that one hot and too public encounter. Her hasty exit was just another reminder that the chemistry and heat between us didn’t mean a damn thing if she wasn’t’ willing to explore it, wasn’t even willing to acknowledge it existed.