All the oxygen was sucked out of the room. His confession completely consumed her, and all her defenses crumbled to the ground.

“I’m going back to New York in a few weeks,” she said, struggling to keep her voice steady.

He nodded slowly. “That’s probably a good thing.”

“Yeah. It probably is.”

The moment lingered, coiling and twisting and transforming into an unspoken agreement.

This was inevitable. They both knew that. But it would be casual. Nothing more, nothing less.

“You wanna get out of here?” he asked.

Her shaky nod was all he needed to beeline back to the bar and settle their tab with Dee. Mia didn’t bother fighting to split the cost, knowing he wouldn’t hear of it.

Dee, bless her, didn’t say a word as Travis signed the credit card receipt. But before exiting the tavern, he glanced over his shoulder to ensure the coast was clear before tugging Mia down the hallway leading to the bathrooms.

“Where are we going?”

“I’m sure you’ll give me shit for this later, but I don’t care. I can’t wait another fucking second.”

And then he pushed her against the wall and kissed her.


His lips were a sin, and she was bound for hell.

Mia moaned as his large hands invaded her body, moving from her hips to her backside with finesse. The man talked a good game, but he wasn’t all talk. This supreme flirt had the kissing skills to match, and each drag of his lips against her own unleashed a tidal wave of passion within her.

With her back wedged against the wall, she trailed her hands up his muscular arms, relishing the feel of his strong form. An animalistic noise filled her ears when she dug her fingernails into the fabric of his hoodie, and he thrust his hips forward in a beautifully brazen manner. Heat bolted through her like a devastating lightning strike, the grinding of his rigid length against her belly further fanning the flames. Her senses went into overdrive, and she inhaled his scent—a faint hint of cedarwood mixed with his natural male musk.

Travis, Travis, Travis, Travisechoed in her mind. An erotic hymn. But once air became essential, she broke away from the kiss and heaved a deep breath. He showered her neck with frantic pecks before nipping at the flesh with his teeth. The sharp sting pulled a gasp from her chest, the touch of pain sending another flood of arousal to her aching pussy.

“Bad,” she chastised playfully.

“Yeah.” He moved away from her neck to find her eyes. “And you like it.”

No point denying the truth. After a quick nod, she grasped his jaw and pulled him in for another red-hot kiss. Deft strokes of his tongue splintered her self-control, and the quivering in her core became too much to bear. She widened her stance and hooked one leg around him, indifferent to how her skirt hitched up, then rubbed her needy center against his jean-clad, muscled thigh.

“Fuck.” The expletive hissed against her neck, and he pulled back to watch her pelvis move against him. “That’s it. Show me how much you fucking need it, baby.”

Her arousal soared to another height as she gyrated against his sturdy limb, amplified by how he watched her movements with the perfect combination of passion and reverence—as if imagining her straddling him and moving in the same manner. But her shameless dry hump didn’t last long, because footsteps snapped them out of the carnal haze. The reality of their location reared its ugly head, and she quickly placed her leg down.

“Someone’s coming,” she whispered.

A mischievous grin stretched across his face, and he pulled her into one of the nearby restrooms. Stumbling through the door, she caught herself on the side of the single stall. As she got her bearings, Travis closed the door behind them, the heavysnickof the deadbolt promising debauchery.

“Someone’s coming, you say?” he teased.

A soft laugh sprang from her. “This is crazy.”

“Youmake me crazy.”

His large hands trembled as they seized her hips, his wicked mouth finding hers once again. With their tongues dueling for dominance, his grip traveled beneath her skirt, and a fervid groan echoed the second he grasped her bare thigh.

“Lift it,” he ordered.

Mia would’ve balked at such a command on any other day with any other man. But not this time. Without hesitation, she gathered her skirt and pulled it above her waist. Since she hadn’t planned for a torrid tryst, she wore a simple cotton thong, but judging from the heat in his gaze, she could’ve been clad in the most titillating lingerie for all he cared.