
“What’s your last name?” she asked, the words drowsy.

“Daniels. What’s yours?”


“April Markham,” he mused, lightly tracing his fingers up and down her arm. “I’m glad I met you, April Markham.”

She hummed a sound of harmony and then sighed. “That was…amazing.”

He kissed the top of her head. “The best.”

Contentment filled her at his agreement. Despite her serious effort to stay awake and talk with him until the sun came up, she was lulled into sleep. Her heart had steadied in the time following their coupling, but there was a tiny twinge that remained—one she couldn’t ignore.

To think she assumed jet lag would be the biggest challenge to contend with during this trip. That was child’s play compared to the thought of leaving him behind.


It had beenages since she’d shared a bed with a man. All of the sensations—the sound of heavy breathing, the crisp hair on his legs rubbing her bare skin, the rustling of his body against the bedsheets—felt foreign but, at the same time, were so welcome. At some point during the night, she was pulled from sleep by his lethargic kisses. Easy and exquisite kisses that she was all too happy to partake in despite being half-awake. And then, as quickly as they’d started, he stopped and nuzzled against her. They fell back asleep, tangled up in one another.

Her alarm sounded at seven. She swung out her arm sleepily and grasped her phone to silence the piercing sound.

Nick pulled her closer and murmured, “What time?”

“Seven.” She adored how physically affectionate he was. How he unabashedly enjoyed a good cuddle. Their bodies fit so well together, and it made the prospect of leaving the bed unfathomable.


April giggled at his distaste for the early hour. “When do you have to be at work?”

As soon as the question left her mouth, she worried the reemergence of his job would make things awkward. Try as they might, there was no way to stop reality from filtering back in.

“Three,” he answered. “I’ll head to my place soon to grab a shower and a change of clothes. Even though I wear the same thing every day.”

She smiled and lifted her head to glance around the room. “Your pants are around here somewhere. But I imagine your shirt is wrinkled beyond belief.”

He grinned. “Worth it.”

A muscular arm curved around her body, and his hand lazily grasped her left breast, tweaking the hard nipple. With a wistful sigh, she asked, “You only brought one condom?”

Nick burrowed his head into the crook of her neck and grumbled. “Rookie mistake. I’ll bring a bunch tonight.” He paused, and she felt his body tense. “That is, if you want to do this again?”

She raised up onto her forearm to look down at him. “Of course. Would it be too weird if I come to the bar? I don’t want anyone getting suspicious or anything.”

He considered that. “I think a nightcap would be safest. If you’re there the whole night, I doubt I’ll keep my cool.”

Grinning, she swung one leg over his body and straddled him. “Nor could I.”

Kissing ensued. Lots and lots of kissing. So much so that Nick stopped them with a remorseful look on his face. “Ireallyregret not bringing more condoms.”

April giggled once more and climbed off the bed, grabbing his hand and pulling him to his feet. His erection jutted out, thick and ready for action. Eyeing it eagerly, she led him to the bathroom. “We can still have fun.”

Funconsisted of a steaming shower and her on her knees, sucking him eagerly, followed by his large fingers plunging between her legs. By eight o’clock, they were fully showered and satiated. April dressed in jeans and a gray turtleneck—which she was thankful she’d had the foresight to pack since there was a visible hickey on her neck—whereas Nick stepped into his crumpled clothes from the night before. They sat on the bed, and she laced up her sneakers while he tended to his own shoes.

“What time are you going to the Needle?” he asked.

“I was planning to get there right when they open. And, if I have time afterward, maybe walk around that glass thing?”