“I’ll see if I can get it.” She definitely didn’t want to tell her mother that the one thing that did help her sleep couldn’t be poured into a cup. Their mother had relaxed quite a bit since the death of their father, but she was still very prudish. Any mention of marital relations with Swift would have sent her into a tizzy.
“Did Brandon tell you that he got his testing date?” Bonnie asked, blessedly changing the subject away from the pregnancy.
“No! When does he go?”
“Two weeks from Friday!”
“He’s so nervous, Alys,” her mother interjected.
“He shouldn’t be,” Alys replied, thinking of all the studying and preliminary exams he had taken to get this far in the process. “I’ll have Swift call him tomorrow evening. Maybe that will help calm his nerves.”
“Oh, that would be lovely,” her mother said. “Brandon respects Swift so much.”
Bonnie snorted. “More like idolizes.”
As their mother scolded Bonnie, Alys heard the front door open and said, “Speaking of idols...”
Swift caught her gaze as he entered the living room. She noticed he had a small red box in his hand. A gift? He grinned at her before turning his smile on her family. “Hello, ladies.”
“Mama and Bonnie were just telling me that Brandon got his testing date,” Alys explained and tried to reach for the box.
“I had a notification this morning,” Swift said, moving the box behind his back so she couldn’t get to it. “If he’s not busy tomorrow evening, I’d like to chat with him about the test and what to expect.”
Swift and her mother discussed Brandon for a few more minutes. The call warning sounded, and Alys stepped forward to wish her family well and bid them goodbye. When the screen went dark, she turned the tablet to sleep mode and pivoted toward her husband. Holding out her hand, she asked, “What did you get me?”
“Not even a hello or a kiss?” Swift laughed at her eagerness.
“Sorry.” She grabbed hold of his uniform and tugged him closer. He laughed as she rose on tiptoes to meet his descending mouth. One of his hands swept along the curve of her belly, and after kissing her senseless, he bent down to kiss and greet the twins. Her heart swelled at the sight, and yet again she wondered how she had been so lucky to find him.
“How are you feeling?” He gazed at her with concern. “Your back still bothering you?”
“Not as much when I wear the band.” She gestured to the supportive wrap she had been given at her appointment a few days earlier. “The new shoes are helping, too. Not that I can see them,” she amended with a pitiful frown.
“Well, I think they’re very nice. Although, maybe a bit too pink for my taste.”
“And mine,” she agreed, thinking of the outrageously bright color of the ultra-lightweight but supportive shoes.
“Hopefully, this will be more in line with your tastes.” Swift finally presented her with the box. “Open it.”
She wasted no time in unlatching the small red box and lifting the lid. She gasped at the sight of the shimmery gemstones set in brilliant gold metal. “Earrings!”
“You did say you wanted to get them pierced,” he reminded her. “I thought we might have it done before my tattoo appointment tomorrow. If you want,” he added quickly. “There’s no pressure.”
“I do want!” She marveled at the beautiful earrings. “Oh, Swift! These are lovely.”
“This style is recommended for first piercings,” he explained. “Later, after your ears heal, we’ll expand your collection.”
“These are perfect.”
“I’m glad you like them.” He seemed relieved.
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
“Honestly? These days I’m never sure what sort of reaction you’ll have,” he confessed. “I brought you flowers the other day, and you cried. I offered to massage your feet last night, and you yelled. I made breakfast, and you threw up.”