Page 66 of Chosen By Swift

“Maise said she fed him before we came.” Terror had disappeared for a few moments and returned with the warm blanket fresh from the dryer. “She can nurse him again if you think that will help.”

“It might, but let me try a few more things. Is she going to be able to rest?” Alys worried about Maisie. She looked ready to drop. “I don’t want to make her feel more agitated or anxious. If being here is a problem, I can go.”

“It’s not a problem. She’s actually a little embarrassed about the way she blew up earlier.”

“She shouldn’t be. At all! I understand. She’s tired and stressed out and worried about her baby. She can yell at me all she likes, and I won’t mind a bit.”

Terror tilted his head. “What is it that makes you farm girls so nice?”

“What do you mean?” Alys took the warm blanket from him and carried Liron to the couch so she could swaddle him up tight. As soon as she placed him on the cushion, he spit out the pacifier and let loose a high-pitched wail. “Oh, sweetie, it’s only a minute and then I’ll have you right back in my arms.”

“Hallie is like you. Always offering help. Never judging. Always nurturing and kind. You’re both from farms. So—what is it that makes you like this?”

Alys shrugged and wrapped Liron in the blanket, tucking until he was swaddled securely. “I suppose we’re raised to pitch in and help. It’s a lot of work to run a farm and raise a family.”

“I suppose.”

Alys picked up Liron and cradled him in her arms. She began to quickly swing him side to side while making loudshhhnoises. She caught Terror’s worried expression and said, “I know it looks crazy, but it works. There’s something about this fast movement and theshhhsounds that soothes them.”

Terror remained unconvinced until Liron stopped screaming. His cries died down, and he whimpered and sniffled for a few more minutes before finally falling right asleep. She kept rocking him side to side, just as quickly while making theshhhsound until she was certain he was out. By slow degrees, she slowed the rocking and made the sound softer and softer until she was quiet. Very carefully, she slipped the pacifier back into his mouth.

“You did it,” Terror whispered in awe.

“Well, I did it for now,” she said, “but it’s entirely possible he’s going to startle and start to scream again.”

“I’ll take whatever peace and quiet we can get.”

“You should go get some rest while you can,” Alys encouraged in a soft voice. “Make sure your wife gets something to eat and plenty of water. Maybe a shower, too. Definitely a nap.” She gazed down at Liron as he slept. “I’m happy to stay as long as you three need me.”

“Thank you, Alys.” Terror lovingly touched his son’s feathery dark hair. “Please, make yourself at home.”

“Don’t worry about me.” She waved him off. “Go tend to your wife.”

Terror retreated to the bedroom and shut the door. Alys kept walking and rocking Liron for another half or so. When she was sure he was good and asleep, she moved one of the deep, wide chairs in the parlor and arranged herself comfortably. Liron seemed happy to nap on her bosom. Not for the first time, she wondered if she had been built for this sort of thing.

It wasn’t hard to imagine someday holding a baby just like this one. Would her baby with Swift have dark hair like her or pale blond like him? Blue eyes? Green? Brown? Without a doubt, their baby would be big.

She had always regarded childbirth with fear, but up here, she felt that fear lessening. Swift would ensure she had the best medical care available. He wouldn’t leave the house as soon as her pains started and drink in the barn like her father always did. He wouldn’t grumble about another daughter or blame her if something went wrong. He might even want to be in the room, holding her hand as she gave birth to their first son or daughter.

There were still so many things they needed to discuss. It wasn’t going to be easy to compromise. Learning to accept his past and understand the different values and morals of his people would be difficult. It was going to be a lot of hard work to make their marriage a good one.

But the life they wanted together was worth it.

Chapter Fourteen

“You finished with that navigational chart?” Swift glanced at his watch before taking another bite of the nutritional bar. The ship they were currently flying on their secret mission wasn’t stocked with anything fresh. It was nothing but meal replacement bars and boxed drinks. After getting used to Alys’ incredible cooking, this was pure torture.

“I don’t understand what the point of this exercise is,” Drift replied, his voice carrying his frustration as he raced against the clock to complete the chart Swift had assigned. His stylus moved across the tablet screen with haste, and Swift hoped the kid wasn’t skipping any steps.

“The point is that sometimes shit breaks on these ships,” Hazard interjected as he dug through the cabinets in the ship’s mess. “And it always breaks at the worst time. Usually when we’re taking fire or about to be sucked into a black hole or facing a cloud of asteroid fragments.”

“Third shelf, in the back,” Swift said, knowing Hazard was looking for his favorite flavor of drink.

Hazard made a triumphant sound as he located the green boxes filled with sour juice that no one else liked. “I was worried they hadn’t restocked the ship with any of these.”

“I’m shocked they keep making them,” Swift replied. “I haven’t ever seen anyone but you drink it.”

“Finished!” Drift announced and flashed his tablet for inspection.