I shudder at the memory. Officer White did all the talking, chastising us about our poor decisions. Sawyer and I couldn’t even look at each other. I was so embarrassed. I assumed Sawyer had sobered up enough to regret what we’d just done together and I didn’t want to see confirmation of that, so I kept my focus out the window. When Officer White pulled up in front of Queenie’s house, I practically wept with relief.
“You sound entirely too amused by this situation,” I say after my first sip of latte. “You’re supposed to reprimand me, you know.”
Queenie arches a brow. “WhatIdon’t understand is what you two were doing before Dylan picked y’all up. What warranted all the fuss? Did you two get into a fight or something?”
“Not exactly…”
“Well you don’t just get arrested over nothing, Madison.”
“We didn’tgetarrested.” I’m quick to point this out with an air of superiority. “Just warned.”
“About what?”
I wave away her question. “Something to do with drinking.”
Queenie cracks up at this. “If it had to do with drinking andonlydrinking, half this town would be getting rides home in the back of Dylan’s car.”
I turn away so my voice is hard to hear. “Okay, it wasindecent exposuresomething or other.”
She cocks her head to the left, leaning her ear toward me. “Come again?”
“Sawyer and I were…together in his truck.”
Queenie’s jaw drops and then she blushes. BLUSHES. Queenie who proudly devours motorcycle sex scenes on her Kindle is officially scandalized bymyslutty behavior.
She points a red manicured finger at me. “You better hope you didn’t get pregnant.”
I roll my eyes. “I’m not getting pregnant. We used—”
I stop talking. I stop everything, breathing being top of the list. My heart is on pause. My brain is no longer working. Every single fiber of my being is focused on the fact that Sawyer and I didn’t use a condom last night in his truck.
Queenie—upon seeing my expression—leans back in her chair and looks up at the ceiling. “Oh lordy, here we go…”
“Good news, it says your chances are only ‘good to very good’. Whereas the last website said it was ‘highly likely’. How certain are you that you haven’t been taking birth control?” Kendra asks.
“Uh, pretty freaking sure, Kendra.”
I stopped taking my prescription birth control two months ago. I’d made it perfectly clear to Matthew that I was eager to start a family right after our wedding. While he wasn’t overly enthusiastic about the idea—Matthew’s father didn’t have kids until he was thirty-five, thus Matthew feltthatwas the perfect age for him to start a family as well—I was confident I’d convince him to come around to my way of thinking.
I told him I wanted to start trying to get pregnant right after the wedding. I even discussed it with my doctor and she recommended I stop taking the pill sooner rather than later if I was really eager to conceive.
After my breakup with Matthew, I forgot to renew my prescription. I’d set a reminder on my phone to call my doctor’soffice, but that reminder has been blaring again and again for a few weeks now and I’ve tuned it out, distractedly promising myself I’d get around to it eventually, but now…welp, maybe there’s no point.
Kendra and I have been doing some research online, putting the first day of my last period into various calculators to see whether or not I might be ovulating. We have scoured every corner of the internet. No stone has been left unturned.
“There are options here for you to explore,” Kendra points out. “You aren’t stuck.”
My chest feels tight. “I don’t want to do anything yet. I just need to think.”
“What do you mean you need to think? What is there to think about?”
“I want kids…” I point out weakly.
“Listen, I know that, Madison, butLIKE THIS?”
I don’t know! It’s unconventional, absolutely no doubt about it, but it’s not totally out of the question. I’ve always thought it would be fun if my children were close in age to their cousins and I know Lindsey and David have talked about trying for baby number two soon. Not to mention, Kendra has Nathan and Ava. Shelovesbeing a mom, and I’ve always been a bit envious of that. When Matthew ended our engagement, I assumed I was years away from thinking about children, but maybe this is another way. A blessing.
“I’m considering it…”