This is not good! NOT GOOD.
I’m sweating. Adrenaline courses through me like I’m about to take flight. Fortunately, Sawyer’s strong hands stay clasped around mine, holding me steady despite my nerves. Can he feelthe tension between us or is his judgment too clouded by his newfound hatred of me?
Idon’t hate him. Not at all. The bitterness I’ve felt in the last two days has apparently burned off because now, all of a sudden, I wish we were standing on this altar all alone. I wish I could force him to hear me out. I wish I could edge slightly closer to him and—
“And now Amber and Michael, you’ll stare adoringly into each other’s eyes”—Queenie doesn’t have to pause here because Sawyer and I are already demonstrating this—“and then Michael, you’ll whisper something sweet and reassuring to your bride-to-be…”
Sawyer frowns, his eyebrows pinching together in consternation. His eyes drift down over my face, resting on my mouth for a moment before he looks away, saying nothing at all.
“And Madison—err,Amber,” Queenie corrects, “you’ll blush sweetly and everyone will eat it up.”
No problem there. My cheeks are already scorching.
“At this point, your officiant will take over, leading you both through the ceremony. Toward the end, you two will share your vows and exchange rings…”
Queenie continues, and this rehearsal is starting to feel like background noise. All I can focus on is the firm grip of Sawyer’s hands, his angry expression.
“Please,” I mouth.
I swear his eyes soften.
“—and then that leads to the best part!” Queenie goes on. “‘You may now kiss the bride’ and an introduction of the newly married couple.”
“Well? What are you waiting for? Let’s have a kiss!” Amber shouts.
I panic before she laughs, tacking on, “Only kidding!They’re just such a handsome pair! Couldn’t resist.”
Sawyer yanks his hands back and shakes them out, but he’s still looking at me,glaringmore like.
“Are we done?” I ask, annoyed that my voice sounds so wobbly and unsure.
“Yes, let’s just have Sawyer walk you down the aisle so Amber and Michael can get a feel for the pacing. This is another iconic moment the photographer will want to capture. All the guests will be clapping with excitement, and you two will be beaming with joy.”
“They’re not beaming,” Michael notes jokingly.
He’s right. A smile is too much for me at the moment.
“About midway down the aisle, I would ask that you pause, Michael, and give Amber a little dip or another kiss. The photo will be stunning with your guests all around you.”
Sawyer does not dip me or kiss me. He practically drags me down the aisle, shooting a menacing glare over at Crawford before we break free through the doors. Then he shakes me off him.
“Tell Queenie she owes me,” he spits, already walking away.
“Queenie doesn’t owe you jack shit!”
Oh, the curse feels good. I wish I could keep more coming, but when Sawyer whirls around and faces me, I gulp and clam up. His eyes are so fiercely angry I want to cower.
“Get out of here, Madison. Wedding planning or not, I don’t want to see you on my vineyard ever again.”
“Yourvineyard? God, you’re so arrogant! You know what?” I point a finger at him. “Kendra was right to want to teach you a lesson.”
He rears back. “Kendra?Henke?”
He looks blown away by the name, like he’s forgotten she even existed.
“Yes, Kendra Henke! Don’t you rememberthe girl you used to date in high school?!”