“It’ll all be fine so long as there’s plenty of wine and champagne.” Amber laughs.
Michael agrees. “If there are issues, we’ll just have another wedding in a few years.”
“Ha ha ha!” Amber finds this hilarious.
Oh to be so rich that the expense of a wedding means nothing.
Queenie goes through a few details with them: the helicopter is all set to fly them in for their grand entrance. The exotic menagerie had to be scrapped last minute due to local laws (“Can’t we just bribe the police?” Amber asks with genuine curiosity), and two band members from Maroon 5 are scheduled to play an intimate set for them and fifty guests at their home on Saturday evening, but they’ve capped it at ten minutes, no pictures.
“What’s that running me?” Michael jokes.
Amber laughs. “Oh Michael, what does it matter?!”
This is not the first time I’ve worked a wedding with high-profile musical guests and a helicopter fly-in, but I’m shocked Queenie’s managed to pull this off. I mean, was Marge the one on the phone with Maroon 5’s manager? I smile just thinking about it.
When I was young, Queenie specialized in small country weddings, sunflowers in mason jars, homemade cakes,maybea local band if the bride and groom really wanted to splurge. Clearly, Wildflower Weddings has expanded beyond my wildest dreams. Imagine how big it could grow if Queenie had a filing system in place! A working website! A door with the name of her actual business on it!
The wood floor creaks behind us and we turn just as Crawford Garnett steps into the chapel. “Everything all good in here?”
Queenie beams. “Yes, we’re just getting underway with a rehearsal.”
“Are there stand-ins available?” Michael asks over Zoom. “I just really want to be able to visualize what it will look like the day of.”
“Sure, yes. I’m happy to hold the iPad and walk you through everything. Madison, you can stand in for Amber, and Crawford, would you do us the honor of standing in for Michael?”
Sawyer’s grandfather winces like he wishes he could. “My bum knees won’t let me stand all that long, but you’re in luck—I know just the man to take your place.”
Songbirds are singing!Bells are ringing! Children everywhere are dancing because Sawyer and I are getting married today!
At this very moment, he’s waiting for me at the altar in the vineyard’s little chapel, haloed by light that pours in through the stained glass windows on either side of him. He’s so handsome I’m taken aback a bit. He’s everything a groom should be: impeccably dressed (he’s wearing dirty work clothes), smiling (he’s visibly fuming), and in love (if he could strangle me with his bare hands, he would).
“Now at this point in the ceremony, Michael will be standing where Sawyer is, your guests will be seated, and the officiant will step forward. Is everything still good to go with your friend Sergio?”
“Yes! He’s been ordained on some website. It’ll be totally hilarious when he puts on the black papal robes we got him. No one’s expecting our good mate to marry us!”
Queenie laughs. “Perfect. Sergio will invite everyone to stand as the chapel doors sweep open, and Amber will appear in the doorway taking everyone’s breath away. There’s your cue, Madison.”
Crawford stands off to the side, smiling a devious little smile. “Dum dum dum-dum,” he hums as I start the slow march toward Sawyer, pretending I’m carrying a bouquet in my hands.
“We’ll have your string quartet all set up, of course,” Queenie confirms, following me up the aisle with her iPad.
Sawyer shifts uncomfortably and scratches his jaw. It’s clear he wants to be anywhere but here. I can’t imagine how Crawford convinced him to do this for us. Well, it’s probably not forus. It’s for Queenie. Sawyer has no problem with my sweet mother.
“Amber, at the end of the aisle, your brother will hand you off to Michael. And here, Michael, I’d invite you to shake her brother’s hand or offer a hug. It’s a moment the photographer will want to capture.”
“Then Amber, you’ll accept Michael’s hands as he extends them for you to take.”
Sawyer, playing Michael’s part, doesn’t move. He’s looking at the ground, ignoring us.
“You’ll acceptMichael’shands,” Queenie stresses again, and Sawyer clears his throat as a subtle protest before he plays along, reaching his hands out for mine.
Crawford whoops from the back of the chapel. The old man has yet to sit down. Bum knees? I think not.
The moment Sawyer’s hands wrap around mine, I feelit. That impossible-to-ignorezapthat jolts your body, screaming soulmate status. People spend their whole lives searching for it. Did I get zapped by Matthew? No, and I feel guilty admitting that.