“You being single now.”
I refuse to consider the possibility that Sawyer might actually be interested in my dating life, so I deflect. “Well Iwas, but didn’t you hear? Apparently Hunter wants to take me out on the town tomorrow.”
“Damn, a guy’s gotta move fast, I guess. Had I known, I would have been waiting for you at the airport.”
My smile slowly drops as I stare, waiting for him to look up and toss me a wink or a “Gotcha,” but his focus remains on the table as he takes aim and sinks another ball.
I’m out of my depth here. I had plans for tonight. I was going to soak in an overfilled bathtub and drink wine straight from the bottle. I should be crying on my mom’s lap and demanding karmic retribution for Matthew’s behavior.
Instead, my hands are sweating around my pool cue as I try to decide whether or not this is real or just a figment of my imagination. It was really hot in that car earlier. I could have passed out. This could all just be…a fever dream. Actually, it’s myteenagedream.
“How about this? If I win this game, I get to take you out tomorrow instead of Hunter,” he suggests confidently. “Don’t worry, I’ll break it to the poor guy.”
I balk at the suggestion as I sweep my hand over the pool table. “You’ve practically won already. Who in their right mind would take that bet?”
“All right, then we’ll do the opposite. Ifyouwin, I take you out.”
I don’t reply because I have absolutely no idea how to respond to him, but it doesn’t matter. He proceeds to scratch his next turn, and the next four after it as I watch in bafflement. Never mind that I haven’t actually agreed to his bet…I’m too shocked! I’ve always been a kid in his eyes, David’s little sister, Kendra’s friend.
When it becomes clear I’m not going to win even with him playing poorly, he can’t help but give me pointers. “Stand over there and aim for the green striped ball in that corner. A blind person could make this shot, Madison.”
I do as he says and…miss.
He just laughs. “Well damn, you might need to get your eyes checked.”
I toss my hand up. “This is ridiculous! Just put us both out of our misery and win the game already. How much longer are you going to drag this out? I haven’t sunk a single ball. We’ll be here until midnight.”
The sentiment behind my words is clear: joke’s over. You’ve reeled me in and had your fun, now let me go.
Instead of doing as I say, Sawyer lays his pool cue on the side of the table and holds up his hands in forfeit. There’s a ghost of a smile on his lips.
Staring at his unbearably handsome face, cataloguing everything from his smooth, square jawline to the endearing little scar just above his right eyebrow, I feel so many things at once: excitement, fear, annoyance, intrigue. I want to stomp over to him, grab him by the collar, and shake him until he tells me what he’s really playing at here.
Fortunately, I’m saved from making a fool of myself because right then, Queenie pokes her head into the back room and whistles to get my attention. “Madison McCall, I’ve been looking everywhere for you! If you don’t get your butt out here and dance with your mama, you’re gonna break my heart!Myachy breaky heart!”
The Billy Ray Cyrus classic is blasting from the speakers, and I have no choice but to set down my pool cue and head toward my mom. She holds her hands out for me to take, and though I want to look back at Sawyer just one more time before I leave him there, I resist the urge. When in his life has heeverbeen left high and dry by a woman?
I’d be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to be the first.
When Matthew endedour engagement on a Monday, I didn’t immediately have a plan for what to do. I mean, I had a Nordstrom package due to arrive the next day, laundry I needed to switch over, a half-pint of Rocky Road in the freezer I’d be damned if I was going to let him have. Returning to Texas was not even remotely on the agenda, but then things got complicated fast. Take my living situation for instance: outside of our shared apartment, I had no place to stay in Montgomery. It didn’t make sense formeto keep the apartment and Matthew to move out because the lease was in his name and the location was more convenient to his work at the state capitol. Not to mention I wouldn’t have been able to cover the entire rent all on my own. Matthew couldn’t have afforded it either except for his trust fund.Cough cough.
It was actually my mom who had the bright idea for me to return to Texas. We were talking on the phone when she broached it.
“This couldn’t be more perfect. You’re homeless—”
“And I need someone to come down and help me with these weddings this summer. You know Cassie just went on maternity leave. Now what’s she need a fifth baby for?”
“They’re real cute though. I’ll give her that.”
“I’m not coming back to Oak Hill.Definitelynot now.Definitelynot during the summer. You’ll have to put an ad out or something if you need help.”
“That’s real nice, Madison. Leave your old mama to fend for herself. I’m beginning to think the ladies at church are right about you.”