Page 32 of Karma's Kiss

Truly this is so ridiculous I can’t help but laugh. “What does Jeff think about all this? Does he even know about this stupid plan you concocted?”

“Yes. He’s right here on the couch listening to us. Thinks it’s hilarious. Oh now he’s telling me to hurry it up. We recorded an episode ofDateline. It looks so good. It’s about this woman who disappears near the Everglades. Authorities assume it was a crocodile that got her but apparently—”

“Great. Listen—it ends, right now. I’m not doing your dirty work anymore. This Take Sawyer Down mission is officiallyover.”

“Oh fine. You’re no fun.”

“Enjoy yourDateline.”

“Enjoy your…whatever it is you’re doing.”

I hang up, look down at my phone, and feel so much relief I could cry. I, Madison McCall, am no one’s vigilante hero. I can go back into the dining room and finish dinner with Sawyer with a clear conscience.

Then I hear a toilet flush.

“Dang it,” the woman hisses quietly, like she’s annoyed she triggered the automatic toilet, like she was trying to be stealthy…

Oh god.

I panic and bend down to peer into the next stall to see a person wearing pink ballet flats. Those shoes and her nondescript calves are all I see, but they’re enough to almost give me a heart attack.

I’m not alone in here like I thought I was.

Whoever is standing there has heard my entire phone call.


Obviously,I flee the bathroom as quickly as possible. Ms. Pink Ballet Flats doesn’t follow right away. In fact, I can’t tell when she leaves the bathroom because our table is positioned at an odd angle and I don’t have a clear view of the hallway. Even if I lean back in my chair—which I do, almost tipping over in the process—it’s hopeless. I have no way of identifying the mystery woman.

I tell myself it’s not that big of a deal. From what I remember, I didn’t say anything that damning, just espionage talk concerning a secret takedown plan. I’m sure a lot of people chatter away about that stuff while they’re in restaurant bathrooms. Nothing to sweat about.

Still, I can’t leave it up to chance. While Sawyer is caught up in browsing the dessert menu, I glance around the restaurant, cataloguing any faces that jump out at me. My hope that most of the patrons are strangers is sadly not fulfilled.

Dr. Villanueva—my old orthodontist—and her husband are a few tables over. Across the restaurant, Laura Pearson and Pamela Brown are enjoying a bottle of wine and appetizers with Stacey Wolfe and Paulette Dougherty. All four women are in mymom’s book club. Any of them might be the proud owner of pink flats.

The Boyds are on a double date with the Langs. They wave when they see me looking in their direction, and I wave back quickly before turning back to face Sawyer. There’s no need to continue the search; it’s not looking good for me.

“Think we’ll have room for chocolate mousse?” Sawyer asks, dropping the menu and making me jump.

Clearly, I need to chill.

“Sure. Love the stuff.” I don’t sound overly enthused.

He leans back and crosses his arms, studying me. Tonight, his hair is so perfectly done, styled with a wave. It’s formal but not pretentious, handsome without being smarmy. I also love his white button-down. Can white be someone’s color? It looks so good on him.

“You’ve gone quiet on me…” he notes.

Right. I haven’t exactly been the best company tonight; I’ve been too in my head about everything. First, following through with Kendra’s plan. Then, desperately wanting to abandon it altogether.

If it’s impossible for me to solve the mystery of the pink flats, I might as well forget about it and move on. I’m here with Sawyer and I’m really enjoying our date. Kendra’s plan was foolish and it was silly of me to go along with it, but it’s not too late to salvage the rest of dinner. It’s that simple.

I smile and tilt my head, studying him. “Do you think it’s too soon for me to be dating again?”

His mouth hitches with the start of a smile. “Ah. Is that what you’ve been thinking about?”

I shrug to get out of having to answer, that way it’s not an outright lie.

“Is there a hard-and-fast rule? If so, I’ve never heard of one.”