Page 19 of Karma's Kiss

His hold on me tightens and I shiver. His smile widens ever so slightly.

I’m about to continue acting the way I feel—bratty and annoyed—but then I remember the whole reason I’m here. I’m meant to be seducing him! I’m a woman on a mission! I return his smile and hope it seems sweet. I’ve never been all that good at acting.

“Oh too cute! Hold on, don’t move, y’all! Let me snap it.” My mom rushes into the room, getting in position in front of the coffee table. “Wait, it’s facing me. I can see straight up my nose.”

She laughs and slaps her thigh, and by the time she switches the camera around, there’s no telling what faces Sawyer and I are making. All I know is being nestled in his arms is a dangerous place to be. A girl could get used to this feeling of safety and comfort.

I step away as soon as she tells us she’s got it.

“I’m going to post this to Facebook,” she exclaims, probably already doing it. “Going to tag my book club girls.”

I imagine her rambling caption, outlining our full history.

“Please don’t.”

She doesn’t look up from her phone. “They love seeing you, Madison! And Sawyer, your grandma is in book club too. She’ll be tickled to see you two together.”

For one night only!is on the tip of my tongue, but I swallow it. I’m acting! I seriously need to get into character. And I will, just as soon as we get out of this house.

“Come on, Sawyer,” I grumble, walking out the front door without bothering to see if he’s following behind me. “Love you, Mom. Don’t wait up.”

Sawyer’s black truck is parked on the curb, an old Ford that’s seen better days. He’s driven it since high school, and I know his dad had it before him. For all I know, it’s older than I am.

“Now don’t go opening your own door,” Sawyer calls out behind me.

I turn, arch a brow, and proceed to pull the handle. The door pops open and he grins.

“I forget I’m supposed to tell you to do theoppositeof what I want.”

I slip onto the old leather seat. “You don’t think I can be sweet and cooperative?”

He smiles as he draws near, then with a low teasing voice, he replies, “I think you might be with other people…”

If only he knew how accurate that statement was. I was always sweet and cooperative with Matthew. To a fault, in fact. Now I’m not sure whether Matthew’s leached every ounce of niceness out of me or if with Sawyer it’s just different.

“So, where are you taking me?” I ask once he’s buckled up.

“In that dress?Nowhere anyone else will see you.”

I can’t help but feel a little zing run through me. It’s his first mention of my outfit. To be honest, I was hoping for more. “Don’t tell me you’re the controlling type.”

I don’t sound impressed.

“Doesn’t matter. Apparently there’s no controlling you.”

I smirk and he sees it, pausing for a minute to really look me over before he pulls his truck away from the curb. His gaze is potent and unnerving. I can’t help but wring my hands for a minute. I really didn’t plan this out well. I should have had Kendra in an earpiece feeding me advice. How far does she wantme to take this? What’s the end goal? Make him kiss me? Profess his love? Then what? Laugh in his face?

I turn toward him and smile gently, pretending to study him like I’m really interested. (Between you and me, it’s no trouble at all. In fact, I’d do it for free.)

“Right, well if you aren’t sure about our plans yet, we could always do dinner and a movie? Might still be tickets for the cinema downtown. Or we could drive to Doc’s and lose a few quarters to the jukebox. That thing still there or has it rusted over?”

“It’s still there, but I’ve got it handled.” He nods toward the back seat. “Those should fit you.”

He’s talking about the work boots resting on the seat. They’ve still got the tag on them.

“Fit me…for what?”

He grins. “You’ll see.”