“They must be trying to locate West.” I drag the sweatshirt over my head and hide my hair in the ballcap before tugging the hood back over the top. A pair of non-descript black shades sit on top of something furry looking. I pick up the caterpillar shaped hair. “What the hell is this?”
“It’s a mustache.” Adira grabs his purse. “I have some glue in here.”
“I think not.”
“Everyone is looking for you,” Jason grumbles. “Wear the fucking mustache.”
“Find Nathaniel Croft’s address. You’re driving me to his house.” I stay still for Adira to apply the glue above my upper lip and place the hairy thing on top.
“You’re taking a risk,” Jason warns.
“I can’t sit here and do nothing.” I’m taking more of a risk if I don’t go after Ivy. We might not be able to be together, but I can’t lose her either. As long as she’s safe I’ll find a way to be okay with the rest.
Shoving my hands into the pants that are so baggy my ass crack escapes, I hunker into my shoulders. “How do I look?”
Jason shakes his head. “If we get caught I was driving you to the station to turn yourself in.”
Adira’s phone pings. He snatches up the device and stares at the screen. “Uh, you two go. I need to deal with this.”
“I’ll let you know.” He accepts the call.
“Where’s your car?” I ask Jason as I yank open the door.
Jason speeds through traffic the way he always does. Considering we’re trying to avoid the police, you’d think this would be that one time he would decide to stick to the limit or at least what everyone else is doing.
I tap my fingers on my bouncing knee. Despite his speed it’s taking too long. We have no idea who has Ivy yet so we have no idea where to look. This is one time the police could be really fucking helpful. If only Nicole hadn’t sicced them on me instead.
We drive up into the hills and eventually stop in front of a palatial, modern two story home. It’s surrounded by greenery and palms.
Jason pulls up next to the curb.
“Wait here.” I adjust my cap lower over my eyes before I jump out and head up the driveway. I flex and tighten my hands into balls the whole walk in. He could be watching me approach. Might have already called the cops.
That just means I’ll have to get in and get the information I want quickly and get out again. And if that takes putting my fist through the creep’s face I might enjoy it. I’m pretty fucking desperate at this point. Not entirely committed to my morals.
I decide to go the back way. With any luck the man’s left a window or door unlocked. More chance of getting to him that way than ringing his damn doorbell.
I stop in the shadows when I catch him stalking the length of his pool. His suit is crumpled and his hair isn’t as neatly slicked into place as it usually is. He has his phone pressed to his ear as he yanks on his tie. “I paid you your damn money. You were supposed to deliver her into my possession. Now you’re not taking my calls? Where the fuck is she?”
He could be talking about a puppy or a car… My insides quiver and ice fills my veins. But with Ivy missing, I’m sure he’s not. I charge across the lawn. “You bought Ivy?”
His steps falter, his face going slack as he turns in my direction. The worry in his eyes increases as they widen. “Rogue Maddox?”
Oh, right, the mustache.
“The one and only.” I pick him up by his throat.
He drops his phone as he tries to pry my hand away. It bounces on the concrete and into the pool. “You don’t understand.”
“That wasn’t a denial.” I’m taller and stronger than he is. His feet dangle above the ground. I squeeze a little harder just to prove I can. “You paid someone to kidnap Ivy?”
“It was going to happen anyway.” He gasps for small breaths, his face going red.
I ease up. “Explain. In detail.”
“Put me down and I will.”