Alec peers down his nose at him. “The apple really did not fall far from the tree with you lot, did it?”
Rebel lurches forward with a snarl. “Want to find out?”
Jackson inserts himself between us and Alec. “It’s time to go, Miss Love.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t visit you after you were hurt,” Alec tells me. “I feel like a terrible big brother for not being there for you. But I promise, now that I’m not preoccupied, I plan on spending more time with my baby sister.”
“The fuck!” Rebel’s voice is a thunderclap in the almost empty venue.
The stragglers turn to stare at us.
Alec smirks.
“Let’s just get out of here.” Alec is a diversion and the only reason I’m giving him the time of day is because it might buy Rogue time. My focus needs to be entirely on what I’m about to do.
"See you soon,” Alec says as we push past him.
“Looking forward to it,” I taunt him. “I’ve been remembering some things lately that I would love to ask you about.”
His eyes widen and for a second I swear I see a flicker of panic in them. I turn my back on him as we walk away.
“That was risky,” Rebel says. “Now he knows you’re a threat to him.”
“Not as much as I’m about to be,” I say as the cops converge on the entrance of the building. I’ve always been a threat to Alec. I never knew why. Never understood it. Still don’t. But whatever his reason for hating me or fearing me… it’s time to stop looking at it as a weakness and step into my power.
The leading detectives—the same two that came into our home and arrested Rogue—separate from the others as the media notices and circles.
Rebel adjusts his tie and clears his throat. His fingertips brush my lower back as he brings me to face him. His touch firms, pushing me up on my tiptoes against his chest so that I have to catch my balance with my hands on his shoulders.
Leaning in, he tickles the shell of my ear with his lips. “Do you think my brother would kill me if he saw us like this?”
“I think Summer might.”
“Probably. I’ll make it up to her later.” He wraps his fingers around my throat and brushes his lips over mine.
The whole situation is bizarre and painful. Kissing Rebel while he pretends to be Rogue… it makes me miss Rogue’s touch something fierce. But it’s also wrong. Because it’s Rebel and because he’s my cousin. And even though it’s all an act and we need to buy Rogue time… the whole thing sits like a lead balloon in my stomach.
He lets me go and we walk out side-by-side to meet the crowd. Jackson sticks close, only a few steps ahead.
“Rogue Maddox.” One of the detectives approaches. “You’re under arrest for the murder of Mark Anders.”
Camera lights flash. A murmur runs through the crowd then hushes as cuffs are produced and rights are read. The energy is charged as the detectives put hands on Rebel.
Riot and Summer watch from a few yards aways. Summer’s brow is creased as her thumbs blur over the screen of her phone. She and Riot must have worked out that it’s not Rogue that’s being arresting right now.
She tucks her phone into her purse and starts toward us.
A car roars up the street and double parks in the middle of the road. Jason climbs out and slams the door before he rushes across the pavement.
“I’m his lawyer,” he tells the detectives, then turns to Rebel. “Don’t say a word.”
“You’ll have to meet him at the precinct,” the detective with dark scruff and a leather jacket says.
“You two are aware that isn’t Rogue Maddox, right?” At some point Alec came out of the venue, now he inserts himself. “That’s Rebel Maddox.”
“But…” The taller detective’s gaze moves to me. “He’s with her.”
“It’s a trick,” Alec offers helpfully. “They swapped. Rogue Maddox left via the back. Probably wearing a dress and heels.”