Page 6 of Stolen Love

“Lawyers make enemies too,” he says as he tucks the car into a space and shuts off the engine. “I carry it for my own protection. Now let’s get inside.”

My hackles are up as I climb out of the car. Outside, the media and fans and anti-fans are still screaming for my attention. As though I would give them the time of day in this situation. I keep my head down despite there being no one else in the structure. Our footsteps echo on the concrete.

Any of them could have slipped past security when we came in. Or possibly gotten in earlier and have been waiting hours to ambush me. They’re cunning and ruthless when they’re in pursuit of a story or the photo no one else can get.

“It’s going to be a nightmare for a while,” Jason says as we near the bank of elevators. He glances over his shoulder, scanning the area in case we missed something.

“It seems that way.” I shove my hands in my pockets as my shoulders creep toward my ears. It’s been two days since I’ve seen my girl. But it only just occurred to me that she might not be here. She might not be waiting for me in our home. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth as the idea turns my stomach into a mess of knots.

We made a promise to stick by each other no matter what. I made her promise not to make the deal Nicole so desperately wants her to make. But what if she didn’t listen? What if she thought it was the only way out of this mess?

Jason retrieves his wallet from the pocket in his jacket and pulls out the swipe card we need to get up to the penthouse, since my wallet and key are still with my phone in my bedroom, where I left them for the ceremony before I was dragged out, well… unceremoniously.

Running it through the reader, he presses the button to call the elevator. “Perhaps you should consider more security. A separate bodyguard. A whole team could be good.”

What I don’t get about the other night is how the detectives didn’t flinch when they interrupted our vows. Something about that doesn’t sit well. Makes me itchy. “I can handle myself.”

He side-eyes me. “If you’re looking at getting yourself into more trouble, I have to advise you—"

The elevator doors slide open and all I hear isblah, blah, blah. Because there, in the back of the box, is my entire world. Fuck, I didn’t know it was possible to miss another person as much as I miss her when we’re apart.

Her big brown eyes. Her dark locks piled up high on her head. And the way she bites her lip in that innocent way that makes me think things that are so very far from virtuous. Especially when she’s wearing nothing more than a flimsy bit of silk that barely kisses mid-thigh and reveals more of her with its sheerness than it hides. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love her.

“Hey.” The corner of my lips creep up as the tightness in my chest melts away.

Her gaze eats me up. Her hands press to the wall like she’s trying to stick to the shiny surface. She smiles shakily. It’s soft and sweet and full of warmth. “Hey.”

“You’ll look guilty,” Jason continues.

I don’t care. Not right now. Tomorrow we can have this entire conversation again and I will listen. I will damn near hang off his every word to make sure I give me and Ivy our best shot at getting through this thing together. But not tonight. Not when she’s right in front of me and I haven’t seen her in two fucking days. Not when I need to touch her and make sure she’s real.

I press my hand to his shoulder as he tries to follow me into the box. “Go home, Jason.”

“Rogue, we don’t have time—”

“Go home and we’ll meet for breakfast,” I say without taking my eyes off Ivy.

The doors shut and Ivy runs to me. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“I was so fucking worried you’d be gone.” I lift her up, one arm wrapped around her waist, while I hit the emergency stop button to give us a moment alone. She seems thinner, impossibly fragile. It’s only been two days and she’s lost even more weight. “You’re still not well?”

“It’s nothing. Just stress. I’m fine now that you’re home.” She grips my face with both hands and melds her lips to mine. “And I’m not going anywhere. I promise. I’m right here. No matter what.”

I’ve missed her taste. The way her mouth fits with mine. I have the urgent need to reclaim every soft inch of her.

My fingers catch in her hair as I press us closer together and part her lips with my tongue. The tip of hers darts out to meet mine. We explore each other, every slide and nibble growing more frantic.

She whimpers.

That sound makes me wild. It makes my cock swell. Pushing her back to the wall, I growl against the hinge of her jaw and graze my teeth down her throat as I grind against her. “You are my everything. My heart. My entire fucking world. If I lost you I would be devastated.”

I’ve come far too close to losing her to pretend that she isn’t the life pulsing in my veins. Without her I would break and the pieces would never fit back together. There is no getting over a love like ours. No moving on. Not ever.

“Love me.” Her hands cling to my neck as she wriggles against my erection. “Show me.”

I slap a palm on the wall for balance as all the blood in my head moves south. My breath sharpens as my sole focus becomes getting inside her. Loving on her. Hearing her cry my name. “The cameras.”

“They’re switched off,” she whispers in my ear.